Gear Patrol Magazine

Energy Saver

Planning to blast your A/C this summer? A few simple tweaks and smart appliances can help balance out your electrical bill.


When summer hits in full force, there’s no shame in eschewing the sunshine to spend a little time appreciati­ng the great indoors. Air conditioni­ng is a modern marvel, after all. But it’s not without its cost, which can be annoyingly high during a heat wave. Fortunatel­y, you can balance out your A/C’s enormous appetite for wattage by making some adjustment­s to the rest of your home.

The savings from any one change will likely add up to only double or triple digits on a year-long time frame, but the more tweaks you make, the faster that figure grows. So follow these tips for a more energy-efficient — not to mention earth-friendly — abode, one that may even be a bit “smarter” when all is said and done.

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