Girls' World

Isabela’s Guide to Having the Best School Year Ever!

Your pencils are sharpened, your bookbag is ready, but what are you missing? Find out below!


Perfect first day outfit? Check!

Alarm set? Check! School supplies packed? Check! If you’ve marked everything off your back-to-school check list but are still feeling a little nervous, we get it — first-day jitters are normal! That’s why we asked Isabela Moner, the star of the upcoming comedy, Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life, to share her tips on having the best year ever.

Get organized!

You’re at school to learn, so of course, you want to bring home good grades. “When it comes to homework, I suggest planning and making a schedule,” Isabela says. But if staying on top of your homework and making time to study before tests isn’t enough, don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher about it. “Teachers are there to help you,” Isabela explains. So it’s never a bad idea to tell them what areas you’re struggling in — they definitely have some ideas for how to help!

Surround yourself with good friends!

School isn’t only about tests and assignment­s — finding friends who support you and stand up for you is just as important. They can help you with lots of things, like dealing with classmates who don’t treat you so nicely. “If that happens, just tell people how you feel,” Isabela offers. If confrontin­g your bully doesn’t help or seems too scary, ask a teacher or school counselor for advice. And having those supportive friends to lean on helps, too! “My friend Gina, who I’ve known my whole life, was there whenever I needed to talk,” Isabela shares.

Dream big!

A new school year is the perfect time to set new goals for yourself! To help you make the most of it, Isabela suggests creating a list of all the cool things you want to do this year. “Maybe you’ll face your biggest fear, like trying out for the basketball team or going to your school dance,”she suggests. If you write down your goals and start working towards them, this will be your best year yet!

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