Girls' World



Step 1

To prep, put down some newspaper — this project could get messy! Take off any extra toilet paper that may be stuck to the roll. Dip the back of the spoon into your peanut butter (the single packs we used are enough to cover one roll) and completely cover the outside of the toilet paper roll.

Step 2

Stand the roll up in a bowl and begin to sprinkle the bird seed onto the outside of the roll. Spin the toilet paper roll as you sprinkle to make sure you cover all of the peanut butter. Once covered, gently press the seeds down to stick them in place.

Step 3

Cut about six inches of ribbon and thread it through the toilet paper roll; tie the ends together at the top. Tap off any loose seeds and add more to any bare spots. Then, it’s ready to bring outside! You’ll want to place it on a branch that’s not too close to the ground, so ask an adult to help you hang it.

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