Girls' World

Skai's tips for OVERCOMING your FEARS!


Being nervous to try something new is completely normal, just ask Skai Jackson. The Bunk’d star tells us that growing up she’s had her fair share of fears, but as she’s getting older she’s trying harder to conquer them. Keep reading to find out some tips that have helped her overcome some of her biggest fears so you can tackle yours, too!

Believe in yourself!

It’s totally normal to be scared every now and then, but Skai says one trick to overcoming a fear you have is to be confident in yourself and be brave. “If I believe I can do something instead of thinking about my fear, then I feel more confident and am more likely to face it.”

Step outside of your comfort zone!

Fears can come about because something isn’t familiar to you, like being scared of trying new foods because you don’t know what to expect. Skai says that’s a fear she used to have all the time. “One time, my friend brought me to this restaurant and there was alligator on the table and it looked like chicken nuggets.” She was a little afraid to take a bite of the unfamiliar food but she didn’t let that stop her. “I eventually tried it and actually loved it!”

Take some time!

According to Skai, fears take time to get over. Sometimes they may last a few days and other times they last much longer, but that’s okay. You shouldn’t try to overcome a fear because someone else pressures you to — do it because you feel ready. Move at your own pace. “Taking baby steps will make you feel less anxious about it,” Skai explains. “Sometimes it’s all in your head.”

Don’t give up!

If you’re afraid to try something because you attempted it in the past and had a bad experience, Skai says you shouldn’t let that get you down. “I tried playing basketball one time,” Skai remembers. “I got hit badly in the face and it scared me. I just had to tell myself to try again. That’s what I did and now I love it!”

Surround yourself with encouragin­g friends!

Skai says she’s thankful her friends are always there to comfort and encourage her to face her fears. “If you have your best friend saying, “Maybe you should try this,” then you won’t be as afraid, especially if your friend does it with you.” Sometimes having someone by your side is all you really need.

Try taking more risks!

The more risks you take, the less scared you’ll feel about trying new things when you get in situations that make you nervous. In fact, like Skai, you may even start to become more of a risk-taker. “When I was younger, I was really scared of half of the things I do now, like riding roller coasters but I’m definitely a risk-taker now,” she tells us.

Go with your gut!

If you really want to try something new, don’t give yourself time to stress about it. “Sometimes your head says ‘Nope, don’t do it, don’t do it.’ But a part of your body is saying ‘Just try it!’” Skai says. “Sometimes you gotta go with your gut instead of your head telling you to say no.”

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