Girls' World


Can you figure out what happened to Cara’s pants?


Although Cara initially thought a classmate took her jeans, it turns out she never even brought her pants to school to begin with! Remember: Cara forgot to pack up her gym bag the night before class, so she rushed to pack it. She threw in the pile of clothes was sitting on her dresser that without checking it. It turns out her mom’s pants were in that pile, not hers! So no one actually took Cara’s jeans Because Cara wore her gym clothes to school, she didn’t realize she had packed the wrong pair of pants until she went to change. When Cara began describing the baggy jeans, her realized that Cara had mom quickly grabbed her pants by accident. She came brought Cara a replacemen­t and pair of jeans. As soon she went to find Ava as Cara changed, and Rory to apologize for the mix-up!

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