Girls' World

Birthstone Breakdown!

See what hidden power your jewel has!


JANUARY: GARNET This beautiful jewel isn’t just pretty, it’s been said that it keeps whoever wears it safe.

FEBRUARY: AMETHYST It’s no wonder you’re a total smartie. Your purple birthstone represents intelligen­ce.

MARCH: AQUAMARINE Your birthstone promotes trust and harmony. Talk about a powerful combo!

APRIL: DIAMOND You wear your heart on your sleeve, which makes sense considerin­g your birthstone symbolizes love.

MAY: EMERALD Luck follows you wherever you go if emerald is your birthstone! Bad days hardly come your way.

JUNE: ALEXANDRIT­E There’s nobody out there quite like you. You have that in common with this rare gemstone.

JULY: RUBY Rubies have the power of balance and energy, which explains why you’re always such a busy bee.

AUGUST: PERIDOT Did you know that Ancient Egyptians referred to the peridot as the gem of the sun? Clearly, you were destined to shine bright!

SEPTEMBER: SAPPHIRE Experts say this jewel is the bestower of truth, which is perfect for an honest girl like you.

OCTOBER: TOURMALINE This pretty sparkler is all about bringing calmness to your life and getting rid of negative energy. It gives you that zen attitude.

NOVEMBER: CITRINE Bye-bye, fears! This gem is believed to have the ability to help you overcome things that scare you.

DECEMBER: BLUE TOPAZ Topaz helps your creative energies flow, which is great for an art-loving girl like you.

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