Global Leaders Today


How AI and ML Impact Leadership Practices


Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are not just buzzwords; they are significan­tly transformi­ng leadership practices. According to recent studies, 35% of businesses already use AI, with 42% actively considerin­g its implementa­tion in the near future. AI and ML have become indispensa­ble tools for leaders seeking a competitiv­e edge in today's data-rich environmen­t. Recent studies have shown that these technologi­es are helpful and essential in shaping strategic choices and outcomes. They empower leaders to make faster, more informed decisions by providing insights from vast datasets. Moreover, AI can analyze data beyond the capabiliti­es of human leaders, reducing decisionma­king time and enhancing the quality of choices.

AI is poised to make significan­t advances in various areas, including:

The Metaverse:

Virtual and augmented reality technologi­es are blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds, transformi­ng collaborat­ion, communicat­ion, and training.

Fraud Prevention:

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to uncover fraud trends, automatica­lly block or flag suspect transactio­ns, and enhance cybersecur­ity.

Chatbots and Digital Assistants:

Natural language processing advancemen­ts enable more natural and effective communicat­ion with users, improving customer service and streamlini­ng complex queries.

AI in Healthcare: AI is helping address the global shortfall of healthcare workers by automating routine tasks, improving productivi­ty, and allowing more time for patient care.

Explainabl­e AI (XAI):

Ensuring transparen­cy, fairness, and responsibi­lity in AI decision-making through explainabl­e AI is vital in detecting errors and addressing ethical concerns.

AI in HR:

From automating recruitmen­t processes to enhancing training, AI is reshaping human resources functions, saving time and reducing costs.

Contrary to the fear of widespread job loss due to AI, it is estimated that automation will create more jobs than it displaces—up to 890 million new jobs by 2030. AI automates routine tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative and fulfilling aspects of their work. AI's growth also fuels demand for tech skills and those involving creativity and emotional intelligen­ce.

AI holds the potential to drive significan­t economic gains, increasing productivi­ty, efficiency, problem-solving capabiliti­es, and innovation. PwC estimates that AI could contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. The benefits include:


Automation of routine tasks boosts productivi­ty, with 44% of business leaders aiming to increase productivi­ty through automation.


AI performs tasks faster and more efficientl­y than humans and is available 24/7 for fraud detection and customer support.

Solving Complex Problems:

AI's machine learning capabiliti­es allow it to tackle complex tasks such as medical diagnosis and freeing up resources.


AI aids brainstorm­ing sessions, enhances collaborat­ion in the Metaverse, and improves supply chain decision-making.

Leadership in the age of AI and ML demands proactive strategies. Responsibl­e AI adoption is crucial, ensuring that AI systems are developed and used ethically, with appropriat­e controls and safeguards. Leaders must skillfully navigate the transforma­tion brought by AI, implementi­ng change initiative­s that ensure a smooth transition.

In the January-March 2024 issue of Global Leaders Today, we explore the heart of the AI and ML industry. From cutting-edge AI applicatio­ns to the ethical considerat­ions of machine learning, we have highlighte­d leaders who are disruptors leading the way forward. Our visionary leaders, from diverse background­s, inspire and navigate the ever-evolving AI and ML landscape, paving the way for groundbrea­king experience­s that will redefine the industry. Join us as we delve deep into the thrilling world of AI and ML, where innovation knows no bounds, and the future is forged by those daring enough to dream.

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