

Husky sniffs out owner’s cancer after docs miss tumors 3 times!


STEPHANIE HERFEL’S pooch Sierra nose medicine — the Siberian husky sniffed out her owner’s killer ovarian cancer after doctors blew the deadly diagnosis THREE TIMES!

“I owe my life to that dog,” says 52-year-old Stephanie. “She’s really been a godsend to me.”

The former grant writer adopted the clever pup from her son, who’d shipped out overseas for a stint with the Air Force in 2011.

Two years later, she was hit with agonizing stomach pains and went to the doctor, who pooh-poohed it as an ovarian cyst and gave her painkiller­s.

But Stephanie became alarmed when Sierra sniffed her lower stomach and strangely ran to a closet where she curled up in a ball, so she scheduled an appointmen­t with a gynecologi­st.

Weeks later, on Nov. 11, 2013, she was horrified when the gynecologi­st told her she had stage 3 ovarian cancer!

After surgeons gave her a complete hysterecto­my and also removed her spleen, she endured chemothera­py and believed she was cancer-free.

But in 2015 and 2016, Sierra again showed a strange reaction after sniffing her stomach, and tests revealed her cancer had returned each time, invading her liver and pelvic area.

Stephanie’s situation is common — 70 percent of the 22,000 gals who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year find the disease comes raging back, according to the American Cancer Society.

Scientists confirm some dogs can detect many cancers by sniffing “organic compounds” the disease gives off.

Incredibly, Sierra also sensed the disease in Stephanie’s pal, who was visiting and battling the killer illness.

Now living in Wisconsin with new hubby Jim — and cancer-free again — Stephanie plans to write a book about dogs’ disease-smelling abilities “to give the animals the credit” they deserve.

 ??  ?? Now disease-free, Stephanie credits preceptive pooch with saving her life!
Now disease-free, Stephanie credits preceptive pooch with saving her life!
 ??  ?? Spooked Sierra let Stephanie know her health was in jeopardy!
Spooked Sierra let Stephanie know her health was in jeopardy!
 ??  ?? She calls her pup a godsend!
She calls her pup a godsend!

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