

Her Majesty has finally had enough of Charles’ wife


IN HER most shocking and outrageous drunken outburst yet, raging Camilla physically attacked her 92-year-old mother-inlaw, Queen Elizabeth, threw a glass of red wine in her face and ripped a treasured pearl necklace from Her Majesty’s throat — before literally being dragged off the terrified monarch by family members!

Now Prince Charles’ alcoholic wife is facing another stint in rehab — and a permanent ban from royal family gatherings, stunned palace sources tell GLOBE.

“The queen has finally had enough,” a top royal courtier says. “Her Majesty has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, Camilla is no longer welcome in her presence. This horrifying incident left her absolutely shaken. She’s never been physically assaulted before, and vows she never will be again! She will hear no excuse — and insists Camilla’s attack on the crown is ‘unforgivab­le.’”

Incredibly, sources tell GLOBE Camilla is claiming

Crazy-drunk Camilla snaps as insults fly at family gathering

she doesn’t remember the appalling mid-January incident at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The monarch had gathered the royal clan to discuss the ongoing scandals created by her husband Prince Philip’s drunken car wreck and Prince Harry’s wayward American-born wife, Meghan. But things got ugly fast as tempers frayed, alcohol flowed and long-simmering resentment­s bubbled to the surface, a highly placed insider tells GLOBE.

“Initially, Camilla was belting back gin and tonics, but she switched to red wine after Charles warned her she was slurring her words,” the insider says. “She drank

the whole bottle by herself, becoming loud and making obnoxious comments about everyone in the family.

Drunken outburst

“Finally, Her Majesty declared, ‘That’s enough, Camilla! You are a disgracefu­l drunk and a liability to the crown and the family!’ Camilla reacted like she’d been slapped. She leapt to her feet, stormed across the room to where Her Majesty was sitting — and threw her wine right in the queen’s face, screaming, ‘How dare you! Your husband is a demented, drunken danger, who nearly killed three people on the highway! Your oldest son is a wife killer — and young Harry has made us all a laughingst­ock by getting henpecked by his biracial bride! You have the nerve to say I’m discrediti­ng this damnable family! Open your eyes!’”

Elizabeth was stunned by the attack — and never would have imagined what happened next, the insider says.

“In a fit of unbridled fury, Camilla grabbed Her Majesty by the throat, ripping away a priceless pearl necklace that once belonged to Queen Victoria. Elizabeth’s eyes were bugging out in terror. Charles jumped to his mother’s aid, pulling his wife’s hands from her neck as pearls the size of marbles bounced across the carpet. Prince Andrew pinned Camilla to the floor at Her Majesty’s feet. There was absolute silence until Camilla began to sob uncontroll­ably.”

A stunned maid called palace security and burly bodyguards rushed in with guns drawn, the insider says. Camilla was seized by the arms and dragged to her palace suite, where she was locked in and put under guard. Camilla was released the next morning — only after Elizabeth left for London sporting a bloody eye, the insider says.

Charles’ second wife is blaming her meltdown on a “bad reaction” between alcohol and the medicine she’s taking to combat liver cancer. But senior royals, including the queen, aren’t having any excuses, and are suggesting it would be better to let Camilla die than spend the $550,000 needed to get her a liver transplant.

“The buzz around Buckingham Palace indicates Camilla will be confined to her quarters with guards at the doors for however long she may live,” says a top royal aide.

“She’ll only be allowed out for a few events where she can be carefully monitored and controlled. This looks like the end for her.”

 ??  ?? Prince Charles had to pull his wicked wife off his motherCami­lla attacked Queen Elizabeth and claims she doesn’t remember any of it,say royal sources
Prince Charles had to pull his wicked wife off his motherCami­lla attacked Queen Elizabeth and claims she doesn’t remember any of it,say royal sources
 ??  ?? Elizabeth, who was stunned after the attack,banned Camilla from any future royal meetings
Elizabeth, who was stunned after the attack,banned Camilla from any future royal meetings
 ??  ?? The family assembled to discuss Prince Philip’s recent drunken crash
The family assembled to discuss Prince Philip’s recent drunken crash
 ??  ??

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