

Head case busted for brutally beating workers’ brains out


RANTING about space aliens, hearing voices and hating Asian men, twisted Arthur Martunovic­h stormed into a New York Chinese restaurant and used a hammer to smash in the skulls of the owner, manager and cook, cops charge.

The raging hater first used his curved tool to beat the brains out of owner Kheong Ng-Thang, 60, in the front of Brooklyn’s Seaport Buffet, say police.

The Estonian immigrant then marched to the back of the shop, where he bludgeoned manager Tsz Mat Pung, 50, and chef Fufai Pun, 34, before fleeing, cops charge.

When the 34-year-old wild man was nabbed two blocks away, cops say he attacked an officer before being overwhelme­d, strapped to a stretcher and whisked to the loony bin at Kings County Hospital for evaluation.

Dishwasher Francisco Sales, 41, says Martunovic­h told him before his deadly outburst: “I don’t have a problem with Hispanics, but with the Chinese.”

Another source says “he talked about how Asian women are being treated by their men.”

A witness heard him yell: “I’m killing everybody, world is hell.”

Sources told cops Martunovic­h also rambled about “voices” ordering the carnage and saying “psycho stuff about space aliens” before the bloody 5:15 p.m. rampage, which occurred while the restaurant was packed with customers!

A fleeing customer screamed as he ran past neighborin­g shops: “Lock your doors! He’s attacked people with a hammer and he’s on the loose!”

Martunovic­h is facing murder and other charges for the Jan. 15 slaughter.

 ??  ?? Arthur Martunovic­h attacked three men, including Tsz Mat Pun and Kheong Ng-Thang (above)
Arthur Martunovic­h attacked three men, including Tsz Mat Pun and Kheong Ng-Thang (above)
 ??  ??

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