


JUST when we thought Justin Bieber was safely settled down with bride Hailey Baldwin, the singer is showing he’s still the same spoiled stupid kid.

Justin’s supporting his singing pal Chris Brown — a convicted woman beater — who is under a cloud after being accused of rape by a 24-year-old woman in Paris. French cops declined to charge Brown and let him go after a brief arrest.

Brown insists he’s innocent — and has been a target for false charges since he shamefully beat then-galpal Rihanna’s face to a pulp in 2009.

His lawyer has filed a defamation suit against the Paris accuser.

Idiot Justin immediatel­y rushed to support Brown online — idolizing him by calling him “the GOAT” — greatest of all time!

Really, Justin? Greater than Michael Jackson, the Beatles or Elvis?

The point is: Sleazeball Brown has been linked to a slew of violent incidents — and Justin knows it.

Thanks to high-priced legal sharks, basher Brown got five years probation — instead of five years behind bars — for using Rihanna’s puss as a punching bag.

More recently, his ex-galpal Karrueche Tran got a five-year restrainin­g order against him for threatenin­g to “beat the s*** out” of her.

Also, a gal sued Brown alleging she was held down and forced to perform sex acts at a party in his home — and a photog claims Brown sucker punched him.

One thing’s for sure: This creep is GUILTY of being around when bad stuff happens.

He’s enabled by fans and moronic pals like Justin, who was involved in vandalism and reckless driving incidents before he found religion and a wife.

But maybe Justin is right. Could be that Brown is the GOAT — when it comes to abusing helpless gals!

 ??  ?? Being married to Hailey hasn’t changed Justin a bit — he’s still supporting woman beater Chris Brown
Being married to Hailey hasn’t changed Justin a bit — he’s still supporting woman beater Chris Brown

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