

This Is Us actress bingeing on junk


ROLY-POLY This Is Us star Chrissy Metz is gobbling junk food like there’s no tomorrow — and pals fear she’s killing her health with a knife and fork!

“She’s addicted to food, and if she doesn’t get help soon, she could compromise her health,” buzzes an insider. "She's pig

ging out on potato chips, cheeseburg­ers and fries, which are loaded with fat and sodium.

“She’ll grab two sandwiches from the deli and extra chips, too.”

The 38-year-old’s hunger is so out of control, she’s running “out at night to hit the drive-thru” at fast food joints.

“She’s just hungry all the time,” the insider dishes.

The five-foot-five actress, who once weighed 399 pounds, is now “tipping the scales at 300 pounds” after shedding a quarter of her weight, says the spy. But she’s packing on the pounds again and “everyone’s noticed she’s getting heavier. She’s a classic case of a sneak-eater.”

Chrissy’s struggled with her weight all her life and endured cruel fat-shaming remarks.

“I remember going to Weight Watchers when I was like 11,” she recalls. “I was the youngest person in the damned room.”

Lately, she seems to have given up on trimming down, insisting she’s stopped fretting about what the scale says.

“I don’t worry about numbers,” she says. “It just messes with my mind.”

Meanwhile, the source says the star “is just hungry all the time and can’t seem to curb her enormous appetite.

“She’s used to eating gigantic portions — two or three of everything. She needs to stop eating junk now!”

 ??  ?? After countless visits to the drive-thru to gorge on fattening fast food (below), massive Metz has friends fearing worst
After countless visits to the drive-thru to gorge on fattening fast food (below), massive Metz has friends fearing worst

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