

American icon fighting incurable disease


CAROLINE Kennedy’s body is wracked with pain by an incurable crippling disease that’s turned her every movement into torture!

The last surviving child of assassinat­ed President John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, has been battling rheumatoid arthritis since 1999, when she was diagnosed following a Colorado camping trip.

But the autoimmune disease that savages joints like the knees, fingers, hips and lower back is now on a merciless rampage.

“As time has progressed, the pain has gotten worse,” says a source. “It can be sheer agony!”

The diagnosis was a double-blow, coming shortly after her beloved brother John, his wife, Carolyn, and her sister died when the plane he was piloting crashed off Martha’s Vineyard on July 16 that year.

Caroline, now 61, ran to the doctors after waking in agony with her hand so red and

swollen she couldn’t move her fingers.

“Doctors told her it was rheumatoid arthritis, which is incurable and progressiv­e,” says the source. “It was a shock and another terrible blow coming on the heels of John’s death.”

Then, in 2002, friends feared her arthritis would flare after John’s image was trashed in an embarrassi­ng TV exposé!

The chronic disease torments millions of Americans — three times as many women as men — and first strikes between the ages of 20 and 50.

Patients experienci­ng terrible pain often undergo joint-replacemen­t surgery.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who has not treated Caroline, says the disease — which gets worse with age — drives the immune system to attack joint cells as if they were invading germs.

Unfortunat­ely, drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis “suppress your immunity, and also increase risk for cancers and infections!” says the doc.

But friends fear the Feb. 15 naturalcau­ses death of Caroline’s beloved aunt Lee Radziwill, 85, sister of her mom, Jackie O., could hurl the sickly scion into an emotional and physical tailspin.

“Lee’s death is not only devastatin­g for Caroline, but now friends worry it’s making her arthritis worse!” spills the source.

May 20, 2019 / GLOBE

 ??  ?? The last surviving child of President John F. Kennedy (below with her father and at far right with mom Jackie O.) has been sick since 1999
The last surviving child of President John F. Kennedy (below with her father and at far right with mom Jackie O.) has been sick since 1999
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 ??  ?? After losing aunt Lee Radziwill (inset) on Feb. 15, friends fear Caroline’s grave condition could get worse
After losing aunt Lee Radziwill (inset) on Feb. 15, friends fear Caroline’s grave condition could get worse
 ??  ?? Sister-in-law Carolyn and brother John both died the year she was diagnosed
Sister-in-law Carolyn and brother John both died the year she was diagnosed
 ??  ??

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