

Recovering alcoholic in danger zone as he shops at liquor store


LONGTIME boozer Chevy Chase is playing with fire, medical experts warn, after the recovering alcoholic was spotted carrying a bag out of a liquor store in Upstate New York on Memorial Day.

The 6-foot-4 star looked gaunt and haggard, sparking fears the 75-year-old Caddyshack cutup — who’s been in rehab

THREE times — could face lifethreat­ening heart failure!

“For Chevy to even be around alcohol could be seen as suicidal,” longevity expert Dr. Gabe Mirkin tells GLOBE.

“As an alcoholic who has been through rehab, he should never drink again!”

As GLOBE has reported, after the Saturday Night

Live legend ballooned to 300 pounds, he shed 110 pounds with gastric bypass surgery after a 2016 stint in rehab.

That stint came just a year and a half after Chevy landed in the emergency room for heart issues after he hit a gutbusting 388 pounds!

Now, boozing again could kill him, doctors warn.

“Alcohol is a potent heart attack stimulator, and with his history of heart woes, he should not drink at all — EVER!” warns Dr. Mirkin.

“In addition to courting heart failure, drinking with his history increases his risk of every possible type of cancer, dementia, stroke and a slew of other life-shortening events!”

New York Citybased internist Dr. Stuart Fischer adds: “Given his history, he would be foolish to drink booze! Even if he lost more than 100 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, the damage to his heart cannot be repaired.

“If he is drinking, it can lead to heart attack or debilitati­ng stroke — or even death!”

As GLOBE reported in its Sept. 26, 2016, issue, the comedy icon was forced to check into his third rehab stint for what his handlers tried to poo-poo as a “tune-up.”

But sources say the move was made to save his life!

Adds Dr. Fischer: “His main issue is that he has a severe substance abuse problem — and he’s risking everything by just purchasing alcohol!”

The doctors quoted in this story have not treated Chevy Chase.

 ??  ?? The actor, who underwent gastric bypass surgery to shed weight, has also suffered from heart problems
The actor, who underwent gastric bypass surgery to shed weight, has also suffered from heart problems

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