

How obsessive Barack pushed his furious wife to the brink of divorce


FED up with her hubby’s shocking behavior, Michelle Obama forced Barack into therapy in a desperate lastditch effort to save their marriage after she started talking divorce!

Michelle’s divorce crisis was triggered by the former president’s devotion to politics and his career while putting family issues — including his wife’s miscarriag­e and their two daughters’ growing pains — on the back burner.

In her blockbuste­r memoir, Becoming, Michelle describes her husband as “somebody who has a career that swallows up everything.”

Now, trouble looms again, pals fear.

Oldest daughter Malia, 20, has been going wild at Harvard University and has become caught up in the same college admissions bribery scandal as actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman.

Meanwhile, retired Barack’s been playing golf, schmoozing with pals and still playing politics — leaving friends worrying his behavior could plunge the Obama marriage into another crisis. The former commander-in-chief is also becoming more competitiv­e with his wife, whose popularity has exploded since she left the White House. Michelle’s memoir has sold more than 10 million copies — and Barack is writing one of his own. Sources say he insists his work will be more “authentic,” noting he’s doing the writing himself — and Michelle’s was penned by a ghostwrite­r!

Meanwhile, Malia is linked to the admissions scandal since her former tennis coach Gordon Ernst has been indicted in the massive scam where wealthy people are accused of buying their unqualifie­d kids’ way into prestigiou­s schools. Ernst has entered a not guilty plea — and there’s no indication anyone helped Malia get into Harvard.

And that’s not all. Malia’s antics since getting into Harvard have reportedly given Michelle fits.

In 2016, then-18-year-old Malia was seen smoking what appeared to be marijuana at a rock festival in Chicago.

Months later, she was snapped “dancing

scandalous­ly and twerking” in an adult nightclub in Washington, D.C.

“But this is the kind of thing Michelle believes Barack should have been more present for,” an insider spills.

“It could be just the thing to send them back to counseling — or divorce court!”

Meanwhile, the former first couple, who also have daughter Sasha, 18, faced other serious troubles.

“There were definitely times when I wished things were different,” Michelle admits in Becoming.

“I’ve never been a fan of politics, and my experience over the last ten years has done little to change that.”

For years, the former first lady has raged against her husband’s obsession with his career that took up most of his time.

Michelle says Barack would often promise to help her with the kids, but invariably came home too late to help!

“As a working mother, with a half-time spouse and a predawn wake-up time, I felt my patience slipping away until finally, at some point, it just fell off a cliff,” she writes.

Michelle also dropped the bombshell she’d suffered through a miscarriag­e and felt further estranged from her husband because they were unable to talk about it while he grew even more distant.

“When Barack made it home, he’d either find me raging or unavailabl­e,” she says. “I spent so much energy stewing over whether or not he’d make it home for dinner that dinners — with or without him — were no longer fun.”

A frustrated Michelle reportedly made it clear to her consistent­ly missing spouse they were either careening toward counseling — or divorce!

“I drove my axe into the ground,” she writes.

Now, a source notes: “Counseling helped then, but the same old problems seem to have cropped up again.

“Whether seeing a therapist will help stave off a divorce is anyone’s guess.”

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 ??  ?? The former first family (from left) Malia, Barack, Sasha and Michelle
The former first family (from left) Malia, Barack, Sasha and Michelle
 ??  ?? Michelle and Barack Obama’s
marriage was tested while they were in the White House, but the same problems “seem to have cropped up again,”
reveal insiders
Michelle and Barack Obama’s marriage was tested while they were in the White House, but the same problems “seem to have cropped up again,” reveal insiders
 ??  ?? Oldest daughter Malia has been going wild at Harvard
University, sources say
Oldest daughter Malia has been going wild at Harvard University, sources say

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