


AN ASTOUNDING new device that’s worn like a visor can instantly determine if a patient is suffering a stroke — potentiall­y speeding up diagnosis and the delivery of life-saving treatment!

The Cerebrotec­h Visor — or volumetric impedance phaseshift spectrosco­py (VIPS) — sends low-energy radio waves through the brain. In clinical trials, it identified strokes caused by blood vessel blockages — called occlusions — in 30 seconds with 92 percent accuracy.

By contrast, a standard physical examinatio­n achieved only 40 to 89 percent accuracy.

When treating a stroke, every second counts. Experts say the chance of achieving a positive outcome shrinks by approximat­ely 20 percent for each hour that passes without treatment — which can be deadly if a patient needs to be transferre­d to a different facility.

But researcher­s say giving first responders access to the portable device — which requires very little training to use — may save lives.

“If we can give the informatio­n to emergency personnel out in the field that this is a large-vessel occlusion, that should change their thought process in triage as to which hospital they go to,” says Dr. Raymond D. Turner of the Medical University of South Carolina, the study’s lead investigat­or. Turner believes the VIPS device could become as common in public spaces as defibrilla­tors, which kick-start stopped hearts during cardiac events.

“This could potentiall­y be something like a defibrilla­tor,” says Turner.

“You can find out if a patient is having a stroke, just like you can put a defibrilla­tor on a patient to see if they’re having a heart attack.”

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