


DISGRACED comic Bill Cosby apparently hasn’t learned America loves to forgive bad boys who confess their guilt and repent — because the convicted sex fiend still refuses to admit he’s a slimeball.

In fact, the egomaniac is so brazen, he had the nerve to tweet out holiday greetings — and sign his posts “America’s Dad.”

Kinkster Cosby earned that squeaky-clean nickname playing beloved dad Cliff Huxtable on his classic ‘80s sitcom, The Cosby Show.

But that was before dozens of women finally had the courage to speak out — claiming the pervert drugged them senseless and sexually attacked them!

A year ago, a Philadelph­ia jury convicted the creep for drugging and violating a gal, who was young enough to be his granddaugh­ter at the time of the crime.

Now locked away in a Pennsylvan­ia slammer on a three- to ten-year sentence, the revolting reptile keeps insisting he’s innocent, was framed by a racist judge and is paying his millions to lawyers to try and get him out of what was a slap-onthe-wrist sentence.

Still branding himself as America’s Dad, the

82-year-old sicko is prancing around prison like he’s a wronged saint.

Instead of groveling for forgivenes­s from all the women he’s left emotionall­y scarred for life, he’s set himself up as a paragon of virtue.

His spokesman says the monster has been giving lectures to other inmates — four times a week — about staying out of trouble and becoming role models for their kids.

Apparently, he’s still convinced he’s a role model despite now being known as Inmate NN7687.

Whatta loser!

 ??  ?? Cosby Show star still calls himself “America’s Dad”
Cosby Show star still calls himself “America’s Dad”

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