

- The doctors quoted in this article have not treated Dolly Parton.

DOLLY PARTON’S fa– mously titanic ta-tas have turned her life into a living hell with doctors grimly warning her 38DD implants could kill the country queen!

Even though she’s been hospitaliz­ed by toxic leaks and

canceled concerts due to agonizing back pain, the 73-yearold Nashville icon refuses to remove her trademark bosoms, fearing “it would destroy my career.

“I wouldn’t be Dolly without them,” she insists.

Notes a family friend: “Dolly built her image on her big hair and massive boobs and she refuses to give them up.”

But a panel of health experts grimly notes the implants could cripple her or even put her in the grave.

The songbird already had to have a siliconele­aking implant replaced in 1992, and New York internist Dr. Stuart Fischer warns seepage can trigger fatal autoimmune diseases.

“They could cause illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, which could be deadly,” notes Dr. Fischer.

Another New York medical expert, Dr. Gabe Mirkin, notes “the longer implants are in, the more prone they are to rupture.

“She has up to a 75 percent chance of long-term pain and discomfort and is at increased risk for a breast infection if she gets an infection any other place in her body.”

Plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn says the Grammy-winning star “may be at risk of a very rare type of cancer called ALCL [anaplastic large cell lymphoma],” adding that “there are a number of people who have actually died from it!”

The doc also notes “implants her size can cause significan­t pain — back, neck and shoulder pain, along with permanent grooves in her shoulders due to their weight.”

They can also begin to separate, according to Dr. Otto Placik, a Chicago-based plastic surgeon.

Crippling back pain already forced Dolly to postpone a 13-date tour promoting her album Backwoods Barbie in 2008.

“It’s so unlike her to cancel shows, much less a tour,” said an insider at the time.

“It just proves how much she’s hurting. Everyone fears for her.”

But the Jolene singer poohpoohed the problem, joking: “Hey, you try wagging these puppies around a while and see if you don’t have back problems!”

The country legend has already deflated her chest from a whopping 42DD to her current 38DD, but medical experts warn she should reduce the trimmed size by 50 percent more.

Cornell University surgeon Dr. Alan Gold warns that Dolly could end up “a crippled hunchback.”

Still Dolly insists her big boobs have made her “rich and famous. I just don’t know if they’ve carried me, or I’ve carried them!”

‘Implants of her size can cause significan­t pain’

 ??  ?? Back in 1982 Dolly flaunted
her 42DDs
Back in 1982 Dolly flaunted her 42DDs

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