

Pit bull fights off six-foot shark to save best friend!


PIT BULL pup Darby turned into Super Pooch and fought off a ferocious six-foot shark that was eating his owner James White’s leg.

What makes the heroics even more amazing is that White had left the year-old pet in his car as he fished off California’s Bodega Bay in northern Sonoma County.

Incredibly, after hearing his owner’s cries for help, Darby somehow opened the car door and raced to the rescue.

The Rohnert Park man was fishing when he got into a hard struggle with an unseen sea creature.

“It was about 10 minutes,” White says. “The only way I think I was able to get the line back is because it was swimming toward me.”

When he finally reeled the

critter into the shallows, he was stunned to see he’d hooked a massive seven-gilled shark.

As White tried to pull the hook from its mouth, the monster suddenly lunged and clamped its razor-sharp teeth into his ankle.

“The pressure was intense,” recalls the horrified fisherman. “The first bite punctured an artery. There was blood everywhere.”

Terrified, White screamed for help from other fishermen along the shore.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, 100-pound Darby dashed onto the scene and seized the shark by its gills.

The dog’s attack made the man-eater bite down even harder, and an overwhelme­d White shouted, “No! Back off!”

The shark must have seemed a strange creature to the pit bull, but somehow Darby knew to grab the fish by the tail and begin yanking it off.

“He literally ran up the hill with it and pulled it off my leg,” says the grateful owner.

White shoved the beast into the water.

“If it wasn’t for Darby, I would have been a lot worse,” says White. “He’s been a part of the family from day one. Just now a little more.”

›› Celebrity and secrets don’t go together. The bastards will get you in the end. — George Michael

 ??  ?? Darby, the heroic pit bull, rested in the car until his owner screamed for help
Darby, the heroic pit bull, rested in the car until his owner screamed for help
 ??  ?? The shark bit into White’s ankle: “There was blood everywhere!”
James White was fishing off Bodega Bay in Northern California
when he caught an unhappy six-foot shark
The shark bit into White’s ankle: “There was blood everywhere!” James White was fishing off Bodega Bay in Northern California when he caught an unhappy six-foot shark
 ??  ??

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