

Kelly’s return to TV has network big shots quaking in their boots


FIREBRAND TV news star Megyn Kelly is mounting a fast and furious comeback — with plans to gain sweet revenge on the industry honchos who shoved her out the door!

“Megyn beat the networks at their own game by getting the woman who allegedly released the video showing ABC had buried the Jeffrey Epstein sextraffic­king story years ago,” dishes an insider.

“Now they’re terrified about what else she can say or do to make them look bad!”

In the explosive video, ABC News reporter Amy Robach claimed she’d interviewe­d Epstein’s “sex slave” — and

her network killed the story. Hard-charging Megyn snagged an interview with former ABC staffer Ashley Bianco, who was accused of leaking the clip after she left to work at rival CBS. On Megyn’s Nov. 8 Instagram report, Ashley insisted she had nothing to do with the leak — but CBS fired her anyway!

According to insiders, the blockbuste­r scoop was just Megyn’s first volley in her crusade to reclaim her career — and she’ll soon launch her own subscripti­on-based digital news platform to take on the major networks!

The brassy blonde has told pals she doesn’t need the networks’ all-male brain trusts to establish her rep as a leading news force — because she can deliver millions of eyeballs online before they can even blink!

“The interview showed she could beat them at their own game,” spills a source. “Megyn pulled together her own allfemale crew for the segment and aired it online within 12 hours!

“She’s scaring the pants off the networks and proving she can break news faster than they can! She’s gone rogue online because she knows that’s where the money is — and she won’t be muzzled again!”

Sources say Megyn’s stunning return has left her former bosses and colleagues at NBC and Fox News circling the wagons about what she might reveal about them!

“Megyn had a front-row seat at NBC when it seemed executives — and other anchors like Savannah Guthrie — had allegedly covered up Today host Matt Lauer’s pattern of inappropri­ate behavior after a long string of staffers complained they were sexually harassed by him,” tattles the insider.

GLOBE has learned a current Today show employee pocketed a six-figure payoff

— which is sealed — to keep quiet about the behind-the-scenes sexploits, according to a snitch!

“Megyn also knows where the bodies are buried at Fox — where late boss Roger Ailes presided over a cesspool of sexual harassment,” adds the insider.

Former Fox News pundit Gretchen Carlson settled a massive $20 million sexual harassment lawsuit against Ailes — who died in 2017. Her settlement came with a gag order that she’s fighting to undo — but Megyn is under no such restraints.

“They know Megyn has never been afraid of telling the truth — and that’s what they’re most frightened about!” adds the source, noting Megyn is using her reported $60 million payout from NBC to finance her own vision for delivering the news.

“Megyn is controllin­g her own destiny. She’s made it clear she will NEVER play by anyone else’s rules ever again!”

And, according to sources, that’s what’s got her former bosses running for cover!

‘She knows where the bodies are buried’

 ??  ?? Megyn Kelly is using her NBC payout to deliver the news her own way, according to insiders
Megyn Kelly is using her NBC payout to deliver the news her own way, according to insiders
 ??  ?? Megyn snagged an interview with Ashley Bianco (circled), who was sacked when a scandalous video surfaced. The footage showed reporter Amy Robach (above) complainin­g about ABC News burying her story on the Jeffrey Epstein sex-slave scandal. Bianco insists she had nothing to do
with the leak.
Megyn snagged an interview with Ashley Bianco (circled), who was sacked when a scandalous video surfaced. The footage showed reporter Amy Robach (above) complainin­g about ABC News burying her story on the Jeffrey Epstein sex-slave scandal. Bianco insists she had nothing to do with the leak.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes

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