

Scary skinny star struggling to cope with Brad’s new life


ABITTER custody battle with ex Brad Pitt — AND his huggy reunion with first wife Jennifer Aniston — have sent bony beauty Angelina Jolie into a spiral that has resulted in near starvation, sources reveal.

A snitch tattles that the fivefoot-seven Maleficent witch is “barely 100 pounds and nobody can remember the last time she ate a full meal!

“She used to eat half a bowl of cereal in the morning and a small salad and piece of pizza later on in the day, but she can’t stomach even that anymore.”

Adds the tattletale: “The sight and smell of food seems to turn her stomach, which is in knots over her ongoing custody war with Brad.”

In addition, details of the 56-year-old Troy hunk’s friendly get-together with Jennifer, 50, has further fueled Angelina’s self-destructiv­e weight loss.

A beaming Brad was the first guest to arrive at Jen’s annual star-studded holiday bash on Dec. 14 — and the “next-to-last

to leave,” according to a source. The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star was also front and center at Jen’s 50th-birthday celebratio­n last February, something that left Angelina, 44, seething, say sources.

“She hates that they’re friends again, and hearing how flirtatiou­s they’ve gotten has driven her to starve herself, people closest to her fear,” the insider spills.

Meanwhile, Brad’s put a kibosh on Angie’s dream to gain full custody and move abroad with their minor kids — Pax, 16, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 13, and 11-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. Their oldest, Maddox, 18, is in college in South Korea.

The feud has “led to her rushing every other week to L.A., shuttling the kids around when she’s not working, something that’s stretching her to the limit,” says the source.

Meanwhile, as she gears up for another big push for primary custody, the stress of the battle for the kids has her staying up “late, pacing and planning her next court strategy,” the insider notes.

“Food’s the last thing on her mind and she’s getting by on just fruit, the occasional bite of protein and gallons of coffee.”

Adds the snitch: “What makes it so dangerous is she thinks this is healthy and okay.”

On top of that is the strain of “putting on a happy face in public to show everyone that she couldn’t care less about Brad — or Jen,” the insider blabs.

“But her skin is pasty pale, her cheekbones are more pronounced and her ribs pop out.

“What she needs is a nourishing meal, but she refuses to change and it could derail her health!”

 ??  ?? Jolie is too busy planning her next court strategy to bother with a full meal, spills
an insider
Jolie is too busy planning her next court strategy to bother with a full meal, spills an insider
 ??  ?? If Angie could have her way, she’d have full custody of her five minor children and move them abroad, says a snitch
If Angie could have her way, she’d have full custody of her five minor children and move them abroad, says a snitch
 ??  ??

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