

Former prez healing from cryosurger­y! -doctor


SHOCKINGLY gaunt Bill Clinton is battling a terrifying skin cancer nightmare, leaving friends and medical experts worried the 137-pound ex-president is near the end, sources say!

Former aide Larry Nichols has told GLOBE the 74-year-old politico’s old pals in Arkansas believe Clinton “doesn’t have long to live.”

Friends fear his alarming appearance while delivering a eulogy at Rep. John Lewis’ July 30 funeral at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church may foreshadow his own passing.

“He doesn’t have any skin color — he’s washed out,” says Nichols.

“He’s going down — and he’s going down fast.”

Disturbing photos show the former commander in chief’s face is riddled with startling blotches and unsightly growths. Doctors examined the images and are now fearing the worst.

“The former president appears to be healing from recent cryosurger­y, where he has had multiple concerning lesions treated on his face,” says New York internist Dr. Stuart Fischer.

Fischer warns that unchecked lesions or moles could develop into a malignant melanoma.

“That’s one of the most metastatic or fastestspr­eading cancers of all,” he says. “It spreads like wildfire and can cause death within months!”

Life-span expert Dr. Gabe Mirkin estimates the once-burly, sixfoot-two politician, who previously smashed the scales at over 250 pounds, is down to a bony 137 and is stricken with basal cell cancer.

“They can go from precancero­us to cancerous and require surgery,” says the doctor. “He is at risk for the rest of his life.”

Meanwhile, Mirkin estimates Clinton weighed 263 pounds in March 2019 and his “weight loss is ominous.”

According to the doctor, “losing more than 100 pounds means his heart is compromise­d, and his risk for COVID-19 is significan­tly increased because his immunity is impaired. Not only that, hidden cancers are often preceded by rapid weight loss.”

He believes Clinton’s also in danger of dying from the stents put in during quadruple bypass surgery to unblock arteries in 2004 — especially if he’s in a weakened condition.

“They put him at risk of a fatal clot,” Dr. Mirkin warns.

A source says “the skin cancer couldn’t have come at a worse time” for the Democratic Party icon.

“He’s already suffering from so many serious ailments, I think his body might not be able to take much more,” the insider dishes.

As GLOBE reported last October, sources say Clinton is slowly wasting away and becoming increasing­ly frail.

Insiders add Clinton has shakes and tremors — typical of Parkinson’s disease — and his memory is deeply impaired.

Dr. Fischer warns Hillary Clinton’s husband may “be in an extremely vulnerable state” given his prior illnesses and the mounting stress from being

caught up in the sex scandal surroundin­g his friendship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who died last year while awaiting trial in a Manhattan federal jail cell.

Clinton was a frequent guest of the billionair­e, whose lover Ghislaine Maxwell is now in jail on sex-traffickin­g charges. The political heavyweigh­t flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” jet, stocked with young girls who were used as Epstein’s sex slaves, and also visited the convicted pedophile’s private pleasure palace in the U.S. Virgin Islands. There is no indication Clinton played with Epstein’s underage harem — and the former occupant of the Oval Office has denied any wrongdoing.

“However, the ex-president is a nervous wreck after new testimony from victims and photos have been released showing him palling around with Epstein on his private jet,” a source spills. “We fear all that stress has had a deep negative impact on Bill’s health — and skin cancer would be extremely worrying!”

The doctors quoted in this article have not treated Bill Clinton.

 ??  ?? Bill, who is six-foot-two, used to weigh a healthier 263 pounds
Bill, who is six-foot-two, used to weigh a healthier 263 pounds
 ??  ?? After examining this image, doctors determined Clinton had surgery to remove skin blotches and growths
After examining this image, doctors determined Clinton had surgery to remove skin blotches and growths
 ??  ?? Clinton posed with Ghislaine Maxwell as they were boarding Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express”
Clinton posed with Ghislaine Maxwell as they were boarding Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express”
 ??  ?? Now the former commander in chief has shrunk to a scary skinny 137 pounds
Now the former commander in chief has shrunk to a scary skinny 137 pounds
 ??  ??

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