

New evidence reveals loot was buried 6 months after skyjacking


SKY pirate D.B. Cooper — who stole a $200,000 ransom by hijacking a passenger jet and then escaped by parachutin­g into a dense Washington State forest — may be alive and well, according to bombshell new evidence discovered 49 years after the daring crime.

Scientist Tom Kaye’s explosive new findings reveal that $5,800 of the stolen bills was buried more than a half year AFTER the skyjacking.

“Cooper is still messing with us,” insists Kaye.

The puzzle of what happened to the thieving daredevil remains, with the FBI having closed the case in July 2016.

On Nov. 24, 1971, a middleaged man who gave the name of Cooper took off with 40 other passengers and crew on a Northwest Airlines Boeing 727 flight from Portland,

Ore., to Seattle.

After downing a bourbon and water, he gave the flight attendant a note saying he had a bomb in his attaché case and ordered the plane to land at Seattle-Tacoma

Airport where officials would bring a $200,000 cash ransom and parachutes.

After getting the loot, Cooper released 35 passengers and took off with five crew members. The plane headed south and he’s believed to have skydived into the woods over Ariel, Wash., north of Portland.

No one knows whether Cooper survived, but nine years later, a boy camping with his family discovered nearly $5,800 — in stacks of 20s bound by rubber bands — buried in sand along the banks of the Columbia River near where the skyjacker is believed to have landed.

The theory was that Cooper, who’d be in his 80s today, landed near the river, walked upstream and buried the wet money.

By using an electron microscope, Kaye

that reveal the money had been submerged in water ONLY around May and June — about seven months after Cooper’s jump.

“We only saw [algae] from the spring … the springtime bloom. They do not bloom in November, when Cooper jumped,” says Kaye.

“This puts a very narrow range on when the money got wet and was subsequent­ly buried.”

And so the mystery remains: Where is Cooper and where’s the rest of the loot?

 ??  ?? Cooper hijacked the Northwest jet and parachuted into a Washington forest
Searchers dug for missing money, some of which had been found a few days earlier
These are artist sketches of D.B. Cooper from the recollecti­ons of passengers and crew members
on the Northwest flight
Scientist Tom Kaye insists the money was buried months after the incident
Cooper hijacked the Northwest jet and parachuted into a Washington forest Searchers dug for missing money, some of which had been found a few days earlier These are artist sketches of D.B. Cooper from the recollecti­ons of passengers and crew members on the Northwest flight Scientist Tom Kaye insists the money was buried months after the incident
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