


WE’VE always brushed off the politicall­y correct cranks as goofy pests, but they’ve come up with a con that’s really clever — emotional support animals.

As every pet owner knows, even the best pedigree pooches used to be banned from eateries, hotels, condo community centers, planes and other public places.

The reason was safety: Pets might carry diseases, take a stinky dump or bite a stranger — like the nervous, little rug rats a lot of movie stars and celebs tote around.

But in our crazy world of today, the PC pushers have concocted a scheme to beat the bans.

They’ve branded your everyday household pooch an “emotional support dog.”

And the stupidity of this is they act like they’ve just discovered a new type of critter that never existed before.

But isn’t that what dogs ALWAYS were — animals that give us emotional support.

That’s why they’re called “man’s best friend.”

Ask any pet owner: Who is loyal and loves you when everyone else doesn’t?

The answer: their pooch! But the political correct wackos thought they could beat the animal bans by creating official emotional support pets (ESP).

All anyone needs to have an official ESP is to register their critter by getting a letter from a shrink saying the owner is as high-strung as their lapdogs and then pay a fee.

Celebritie­s who have joined the ESP bandwagon include Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Bradley Cooper and Britney Spears.

Incredibly, other pets can also be emotional support animals.

One gal flew with her 115-pound mini-horse plopped in the seat beside her.

But the airlines have finally cracked down on turning their planes into flying zoos full of howling, mewing, chattering, oinking, squealing beasts.

Many of them now refuse to let an ESP fly for FREE unless it’s a guide dog.

The rest of these ESP critters will have to be caged and their owners pay their fare.


 ??  ?? This woman brought her mini-horse on a flight as an emotional support pet
Miley Cyrus, with Little Dog, has registered one of her pooches as an ESP
This woman brought her mini-horse on a flight as an emotional support pet Miley Cyrus, with Little Dog, has registered one of her pooches as an ESP

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