

Vicious family feud caught on tell-all tapes


PRINCE HARRY and Meghan’s ugly war with Britain’s royals has triggered a shocking wiretap scandal as palace insiders say the monarchy’s darkest secrets have been caught on tape and weaponized by both sides in the vicious family feud!

Courtiers claim the renegade Duke and Duchess of Sussex fired the first salvo by documentin­g — and recording

— incriminat­ing personal conversati­ons with Harry’s family and key members of “The Firm,” then publicly leaking damaging informatio­n.

In retaliatio­n, the monarchy’s “Men in Grey” ordered a special security team to dig up dirt on the U.S.-based royal defectors and monitor their calls, sources claim.

“When the monarchy is in crisis and danger, the big guns come out,” dishes a high-level palace source.

“The Firm — the nickname for the royal household — has been routinely collecting data on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in case the situation escalated.

“Now both sides of this bitter conflict have damning dossiers to use as leverage to get their own way.”

The secret recordings — it’s legal to tape calls in the United Kingdom — apparently expose family screaming matches over everything from sex scandals, status, money, race and accusation­s of lies and betrayal!

“I’m told the details are better than a script from the juiciest Hollywood soap opera!” says the palace insider.

The latest scandal erupted after Harry and Meghan’s stunning TV tell-all where they accused the royals of racism and refusing to help the duchess when she was suicidal.

After Harry’s wife, 39, now pregnant with a sister for his son, Archie, was accused of lying, her friend, CBS This Morning host Gayle King, announced, “Meghan has documents to back up everything she said!”

That brought a sharp retort from royal commentato­r Richard Eden.

“That’s a sinister comment,” he blasted. “That was verging on threatenin­g.

“Are [Meghan and Harry] recording their calls? It certainly wouldn’t surprise me with the detail they are giving.”

King also revealed Harry, 36, spoke to his father, Prince Charles, 72, and brother, Prince William, 38, after the TV special but the talks were “unproducti­ve.”

“The palace was furious the private conversati­ons were leaked,” charges the insider.

“But staffers tell me no one should have been surprised.

“Meghan’s diva behavior began soon after she married Harry in 2018. Palace staff suspected she was taking notes and making recordings to use if her royal fairy tale exploded.”

But The Firm was a step ahead, dishes the source.

“They can call on a team of under-the-radar operatives who swoop in to help the royals deal with ‘problems’ — like Meghan and Harry,” reveals the insider.

“And it appears the team came up with the goods just as they did to cover up details of Princess Diana’s 1997 death and Prince Andrew’s friendship with convicted American pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.”

According to the source, the explosive taped phone calls reveal bitter blowups between Charles and Harry over his plan to quit royal duties.

“I’m told Harry cruelly accused his family of not welcoming his wife because she is biracial — which Charles vehemently denied,” the palace source says. “Meghan was heard angrily complainin­g about palace racism against her and her son.

“In one call, tempers flared so badly, Harry’s repressed anger over Charles’ cheating on his mom, Diana, with Camilla came flooding out!

“In another, Harry went ballistic when told he would lose his royal funding, titles and security if he left Britain. “The Sussexes apparently accused future king and queen William and Kate of lording their status over them and sabotaging Meghan. William told his brother he was acting like a spoiled brat, betraying his family and ruining his life! I’m told Kate was caught on a call with William sobbing about a fight with Meghan, who she branded ‘a mean-spirited witch.’ Meanwhile, Harry and Meghan were accusing their brother and sister-in-law of being ‘trapped’ and refusing to buck the status quo.”

The tapes clearly show reconcilia­tion is not on the horizon any time soon, palace spies claim.

“Meghan is being blamed for sparking this royal rift by mastermind­ing the Sussexes’ flight to America, but she can forget about winning the war,” the courtier spills. “She is outclassed and out-gunned.

“The palace has the ammunition to shoot her down, turning her from a potential royal superstar to invisible bit player — and they’re not afraid to use it!”

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 ??  ?? Harry accused his family, Elizabeth, Charles and Camilla, of not welcoming Meghan
Kate was also accused of lording her status over Harry and Meghan, spill sources
William told his brother he’s acting like a brat and
ruining his life, say royal
Harry accused his family, Elizabeth, Charles and Camilla, of not welcoming Meghan Kate was also accused of lording her status over Harry and Meghan, spill sources William told his brother he’s acting like a brat and ruining his life, say royal insiders

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