

Why president & his old boss HATE EACH OTHER


PRESIDENT Joe Biden snubbed egotistica­l Barack Obama’s hoitytoity 60th birthday bash — throwing a grenade into a long-simmering feud between the one-time political partners, insiders say.

Sources tell GLOBE thinskinne­d grandpa Joe deliberate­ly cold-shouldered Barack, who believes his doddering 78-year-old vice president isn’t fit to sit in the Oval Office — and the public shaming forced Obama to pull the plug on his elitist celebratio­n!

Now snitches squeal their wives, current First Lady Jill Biden and bestsellin­g author Michelle Obama, are at each other’s throats!

“From Joe’s point of view, Barack has become a snooty jackass who’s more interested in making deals and clinking glasses with his high-powered Hollywood buddies!” dishes a source. “Barack wants to help Joe, but Joe pushes him away because he can’t bring himself to accept help from anyone — even his old friend and boss!”

Beltway insiders claim Biden blew a gasket when Obama announced plans to host almost 500 elite guests — plus 200 staff — at a mask-free birthday party at his ritzy new $11 million Martha’s Vineyard estate!

Political operatives tell GLOBE Biden viewed Obama’s move as a thinly veiled slap at his administra­tion’s masking policies.

When news leaked that Obama’s invited guests included a who’s who of his new Hollywood BFFs, such as Steven Spielberg and George Clooney, the White House quickly announced the commander in chief would be a no-show.

“While President Biden is unable to attend this weekend, he looks forward to catching up with former President Obama soon and properly welcoming him into the over60 club,” said a spokespers­on.

An insider tells GLOBE: “Joe had zero desire to sit around a bunch of phony sycophants who’d be kissing up to Barack!

“He also found it hypocritic­al that Barack would hold a mask-free event, especially as Joe’s number one mission is to make sure everyone covers up to stop the spread of COVID!

“It was just more evidence of Barack’s lack of respect for Joe.”

In the end, Biden won the skirmish — and humiliated

Barack was forced to cancel his party at the last minute after facing public backlash and political pressure, insiders

Joe’s snub forced Barack to cancel his birthday bash

dish. However, Obama wasn’t happy about downsizing the gala to just family and a few friends and is looking to settle the score, spies say.

Tensions between the two politicos date back to the 2016 election when Barack backed Hillary Clinton over Biden for president, even though Joe had served as his veep for eight years, sources claim.

When Joe decided to chase the 2020 presidenti­al nomination, he fully expected his former boss’ support, sources say. Instead, Barack reportedly begged Biden to stay on the sidelines, saying: “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t.”

After Biden got the nod, Barack doubled down on dissing his former veep, reportedly telling another party honcho: “Don’t underestim­ate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

“All that got back to Joe,” adds an insider. “He’s holding a grudge — and for good reason.”

Although the Obamas attended Biden’s inaugurati­on, the two men reportedly haven’t met face to face since then, and sources claim their once regular and friendly phone calls seem to have all but dried up.

They talk “from time to time,” one source estimates. “It’s not daily, weekly or even monthly. It’s as needed,” another source told

Other insiders claim Biden is frustrated over the focus on his gaffes, stammering and stumbling on the steps leading to Air Force One, while Obama never seemed to put a foot wrong — until now!

Although their feud has gone nuclear only recently, Michelle and Jill have been frosty toward each other since day one of Barack’s presidency, sources say.

Michelle was insulted by Jill’s lack of respect and also felt the Bidens were too casual around the first family, according to insiders.

Nearly two decades later, sources say little has changed.

“Jill and Michelle have always played nice in public, but they’re cold as ice around each other when the cameras are off,” snitches a source.

“Michelle sees Jill as snobby and ungrateful, while Jill hates the Obamas’ meddling when it should be the Bidens’ chance to shine.”

 ??  ?? Barack doesn’t think Joe is fit to sit in the Oval Office, say sources
Barack doesn’t think Joe is fit to sit in the Oval Office, say sources
 ??  ?? Michelle was insulted by Jill’s lack of respect, according to insiders
Michelle was insulted by Jill’s lack of respect, according to insiders
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Frustrated Joe finally tripped up smug Barack,
insiders claim
Frustrated Joe finally tripped up smug Barack, insiders claim
 ??  ?? Barack axed plans to host
a mask-free birthday party at his $11 million Martha’s Vineyard estate
Barack axed plans to host a mask-free birthday party at his $11 million Martha’s Vineyard estate
 ??  ?? Jill has played nice with Michelle in public,
snitches a source
Jill has played nice with Michelle in public, snitches a source

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