

- by Emily Hamer-West

ARIES March 21 - April 20

Keep an eye on the budget midweek, Ram, when you’re tempted to splurge on unnecessar­y items! But say yes to an event you’re iffy about! Singles may enjoy a kiss under the mistletoe that leads to something exciting! Advice from an Earth sign at the weekend helps you quickly clear up a health woe!

GEMINI May 22 - June 21

Practical Capricorn aligns with Mercury Monday to help you make your lists and check them twice for gifts or tasks that need taken care of ASAP! A small banking error may cause trouble midweek — keep all receipts! Single Twins should expect to meet a charming cutie at a holiday event. Dress sharp!

LEO July 23 - Aug. 23

Your fashion sense is on point now, attracting not only attention but good fortune! Although your intuition is keen, could you be misjudging a tricky situation midweek? Ask a trusted friend for advice! A holiday mishap has you in a tizzy Friday. Saturn ensures you solve it so smoothly, no one even notices.

LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 23

Feeling ready for a major life change? The planets approve! Set plans in motion now for the best results — but Venus retrograde advises go slowly to avoid lasting damage in a relationsh­ip you care deeply about! There’s cash to be had when you come across something lost on Saturday. Hint: It’s paper!

SAGITTARIU­S Nov. 23 - Dec. 21

A wave of nostalgia hits early, Archer, and you find yourself yearning for holidays past. Reminisce with loved ones and peruse family photos — you’ll soon cheer up. Later, the cosmos offers a chance to follow a new path in love or career. But beware of making a rash decision! Patience is a virtue!

AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

A bit of holiday anxiety is normal, but if you’re feeling totally frazzled, call a timeout on your festive duties. Ask the family to shoulder some of the responsibi­lity. You can’t do it all! Mercury brings money luck wrapped in green! Married Water bearers can expect a dreamy surprise at the weekend.

TAURUS April 21 - May 21

’Tis the season to be … grouchy? Mars in Scorpio has turned you into quite the grinch! But by midweek, you’ll realize your fretting was much ado about nothing! Cheer up with a favorite holiday activity or invite friends to bake festive treats! Socializin­g leads to a small windfall or possible romance Sunday!

CANCER June 22 - July 22

Indulge a craving for solitude Monday.

You may uncover the answer to a relationsh­ip quandary! But jump into the festivitie­s midweek, or you’ll miss out on important memories. Uranus sparks your sense of humor, helping you make a new contact. Whether

VIRGO Aug. 24 - Sept. 22

Jupiter in Aquarius has you full of optimistic good cheer! Gather friends and family or hit the town with a love interest to max out those festive feelings. The weekend brings anxiety over lost love or possession­s. Just remember, the universe takes things away to make room for something far better.

SCORPIO Oct. 24 - Nov. 22

Creative ideas have you running amok, but burning yourself out won’t do any good, Scorp! Let Saturn’s alignment with Aquarius help you decide the best and brightest to wrap up first! Tuesday brings a romantic query that catches you by surprise. If you’re single, it may be a MAJOR question!

CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 20

Knock out final holiday-related tasks Tuesday, then move on to a project you’ve been dying to tackle, Goat! An ex or old friend shows up midweek with a business propositio­n. They’re as trustworth­y now as they ever were — let that guide your decision! Wear red Sunday to attract good fortune!

PISCES Feb. 19 - March 20

Neptune makes you empathetic and often gullible — but that’s a dangerous combo this week, Fish! When a sketchy stranger makes a plea for cash, you must say no. They’re not what they seem. This time of year can make you blue. Volunteeri­ng at a community holiday event is the perfect remedy.

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