


GOVERNMENT ethics officials have ordered disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo to pay the state of New York the $5.1 million he raked in for his book, which patted himself on the back for how he handled the COVID pandemic.

By a 12 to 1 vote, the New York ethics board concluded Cuomo, who resigned

Aug. 10 following a slew of sexual harassment charges, used state resources and staffers for the project and the profits must be repaid in 30 days.

Meanwhile, Cuomo sources say the ousted politician only collected about $1.5 million after taxes for American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The sources say Cuomo, who insists he’s done nothing wrong, donated a third to a charity and put the rest into trust funds for his three adult daughters.

 ?? ?? Andrew Cuomo has been ordered to repay $5.1 million in pandemic book earnings
Andrew Cuomo has been ordered to repay $5.1 million in pandemic book earnings

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