


REALITY TV pawnbroker Rick Harrison’s wealth is estimated at $9 million. He’s been married and divorced three times!

DEER can cover 30 feet in a single leap and jump as high as ten feet! About 25,000 of the critters die each year from run-ins with cars.

PRESIDENT Theodore Roosevelt gave the White House its official name in 1901. Until then it was simply

AMERICA’S most famous highway, Route 66, started life as Route 60 in Chicago and was designed to be a quick way to Los Angeles. The nation’s first McDonald’s opened on it in the 1940s.

 ?? ?? AN annoying whine on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge is going to be silenced this year by installing U-bolts worth $450,000 on handrails. known as the president’s mansion.
AN annoying whine on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge is going to be silenced this year by installing U-bolts worth $450,000 on handrails. known as the president’s mansion.

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