


TOKING marijuana makes your mind go up in smoke, experts say.

University of Montreal scientists warn the harmful mental effects of cannabis can linger long after the drug’s high fades!

After analyzing case study data involving more than 43,000 people, the Canadian researcher­s found pot can impair concentrat­ion, memory and learning abilities.

The study authors explain, “Cannabis use in youth may consequent­ly lead to reduced educationa­l attainment, and, in adults, to poor work performanc­e and dangerous driving.”

They also found heavy and frequent pot-smoking appeared to increase those ill effects and hamper decision-making, self-control and flexible thinking.

Other research has suggested elevated marijuana use also worsens depression as it can reduce the brain’s ability to let go of unpleasant memories.

 ?? ?? Weed whacks away
at memory and concentrat­ion, say
Weed whacks away at memory and concentrat­ion, say researcher­s

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