


TOUGH-GUY actor ROBERT De NIRO wanted to try his hand at comedy — and no one would give him a chance until the 1988 odd-couple farce Midnight Run! He plays a bounty hunter on what he’s told is an easy job — a “midnight run” — bringing in an embezzler. But he gets more than he bargained for when he has to babysit a neurotic, uptight, nitpicky accountant, played to deadpan perfection

HIKERS in Washington state’s Olympic National

Park have permission to pee again — 200 feet off any trail — now that urine-addicted goats have been eradicated! The culled critters were attracted by the salt in pee.

PRESIDENT Andrew Jackson was a prisoner of war during the revolution — and was permanentl­y scarred by a whip when he refused to shine a British officer’s boots!

WELCOME to Hotel California!

Los Angeles has spent up to a staggering $837,000 per unit to give individual houses to 1,200 homeless people!

UNIVERSITY of British Columbia scientists have discovered overheated male bees, known as drones, repeatedly ejaculate without stopping to cool down. This ultimately results in death.

YIKES! The snow in The Wizard of Oz was actually asbestos, which is now known to cause lung cancer and other breathing problems.

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