


A FEEL-GOOD fundraiser for a homeless veteran was actually a money-grubbing scam — and shameless

New Jersey grifter Katelyn McClure was sent to the federal pen for a year and a day for the rude ruse!

McClure, 32, and thenboyfri­end Mark D’Amico, 42, concocted a tall tale in 2017, claiming down-onhis-luck Johnny Bobbitt gave her his last $20 when she ran out of gas — and the couple raised nearly $400,000 online from do-gooders who wanted to reward the supposed hero.

But lawmen say the greedy gal and her guy only gave $75,000 to Bobbitt, who was in on the scheme, and used the rest for casino trips and luxury goods!

D’Amico was sentenced to 27 months behind bars in April, and Bobbitt was ordered to enter drug rehab.

 ?? ?? Katelyn McClure and Mark D’Amico ran a fund-raising ruse
Katelyn McClure and Mark D’Amico ran a fund-raising ruse
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Johnny
Johnny Bobbitt

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