
ORPHAN JEN REBUILDING FAMILY TIES! Aims to be closer to half-brothers after losing dad


LONELY Jennifer Aniston is reaching out to her two half-brothers John and Alex in hopes of forging strong family ties now that she’s lost both parents, sources say.

“With the death of her father last month, Jen now considers herself an orphan,” says a friend. “The fact she’s single and hasn’t got a significan­t other magnifies the fact she’s alone.” Mom Nancy Dow died in 2016 and Days of Our Lives star dad John Aniston,

89, passed Nov. 11,

GLOBE / December 19, 2022 leaving 63-year-old brother John Melick and 33-year-old Alex Aniston as her only kin. Jen has remained in touch with Melick, an assistant director and son of Nancy and her first husband, but has had little to do with Alex, who was born during John’s marriage to second wife Sherry Rooney. Heavily tattooed and sporting a Mohawk haircut, Alex is often homeless living on the streets. “Alex and John have two children each,” says the source. “But she seldom sees

them. Now that she’s lost both parents, she’s eager to try and work on having a relationsh­ip with her siblings and their families.”

Trying to reach out to Alex, Jen made a loving gesture to him at their dad’s memorial service at Forest Lawn Cemetery on Nov. 19.

“Their dad served in the Army during the Korean War so when the honor guard

presented his folded American flag to her, she gestured it should go to Alex,” says the source.

“Alex was deeply moved by Jen’s generous gesture. He smiled, and nodded to her, indicating his gratitude.”

John and Alex shared a rocky relationsh­ip for years with the father feeling disappoint­ed over his son’s lifestyle choices.

“But in the last few months the actor reached out to his only son, and Alex felt happy to receive this token of his father’s life,” adds the source.

 ?? ?? Jennifer was close to her soap opera star dad, John Aniston, who died Nov. 11
Aniston is working to forge strong ties with both of her siblings and their families, according to a source
Jennifer was close to her soap opera star dad, John Aniston, who died Nov. 11 Aniston is working to forge strong ties with both of her siblings and their families, according to a source
 ?? ?? John Melick, Nancy’s son, works in film and TV
Alex, John Aniston’s son, has lived on the streets
John Melick, Nancy’s son, works in film and TV Alex, John Aniston’s son, has lived on the streets
 ?? ?? Jen’s late mom, Nancy Dow
Jen’s late mom, Nancy Dow

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