

Newlyweds are all in through thick and thin


FRETTING over her rapidly retreating hairline, diva Jennifer Lopez is looking to plug the gaps — and so is her follically challenged groom, Ben Affleck, insiders dish!

While the 53-year-old Latina hottie chases a hair transplant, Ben, 50, already nabbed high-end weaves that blend naturally, tattle spies.

“Ben was getting thin on top and feeling very self-conscious,” blabs an insider. “He started using Rogaine a while ago, but didn’t leave anything to chance and got some weaves.

“Word is, he paid a couple thousand for his modern man do. He can comb it, fluff it up and style it as if it was his own hair.

“Best of all, Jennifer can run her fingers through it and it won’t come off!”

The thicker mane has “really given Ben a boost in the ego department,” adds the insider, who says the stud is considerin­g plugs to make things permanent.

As GLOBE previously reported, Jennifer’s been obsessing about her vanishing locks, which inspired her to create products for gals with hair thinning or hair loss.

“When I was coming up, I didn’t know how to take proper care of my hair,” she says. “I had to learn about minoxidil from my hairstylis­t! And I’ve been using it ever since.”

Now that she’s hit menopause age, she’s prone to hair loss due to hormonal changes, say sources.

“Jennifer’s fighting it to the max,” notes the insider. “She’s looking at all kinds of options including a full-blown transplant.

“She has plenty of hair on the sides and in back so it can easily be transferre­d to fill in her hairline.”

As GLOBE readers know, sources squeal Jennifer’s also whipping Ben into shape with tough workouts and beauty treatments.

“She’s also got him on board with Botox and other beauty treatments to kick off the new year looking as glam as possible,” adds the source. “But hair is top of their list.”

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 ?? ?? Lopez is looking at ways to fill in her thinning hairline, according to sources
Lopez is looking at ways to fill in her thinning hairline, according to sources
 ?? ?? Affleck got weaves that blend in and is considerin­g plugs, an insider claims
Affleck got weaves that blend in and is considerin­g plugs, an insider claims

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