

Crime kingpin saved movie from sleeping with the fishes


IF The Godfather’s actors seem like actual mobsters it’s because real Mafia thugs closely advised the Hollywood cast and even had roles in the iconic 1972 flick.

In his gripping book The Life We Chose, author Matt Birkbeck reveals how entwined real racketeers were with the movie — including Marlon Brando getting coached for his role as Don Vito Corleone by Pennsylvan­ia mob boss Russell Bufalino.

“Russell spent a lot of time with Brando,” writes Birkbeck. “Russell showed him the ropes, how to speak, certain mannerisms, his quiet way, which Brando used in the film.

“Whenever Brando had a question, he’d call Russell.”

The movie ran into trouble from the get-go when the Italian American Civil Rights League, run by Joe Colombo, head of one of New York City’s five Mafia families, opposed the project saying the flick portrayed Italian Americans in a bad light.

That led to people causing trouble on the street-scene sets and Teamster truckers refusing to work for the movie. Bufalino, who was fascinated by the flick, brokered a peace deal.

“He made his presence felt behind the scenes, playing a key role in ending months of conflict that delayed the production and threatened to derail the film altogether,” says another source.

“He was the rabbi and Colombo was consulting with him, so when Russell said it was okay, Colombo said okay. Without Russell, that movie would never have been made.”

Bufalino also got crooner Al Martino, who was desperate to play wedding singer Johnny Fontane, the plum role.

“Al was close to Russell and after being turned down a few times he finally went to Russell,” says author Birkbeck.

“Al really wanted that part but [director Francis] Coppola said no. They wanted someone, Vic Damone. So Russell says, ‘Okay, you’re not making it. The movie is dead.’ ”

Don Corleone’s gigantic bodyguard Luca Brasi was also the real deal, notes the book.

Luca was played by Lenny Montana — a bodyguard for the Colombo crime family.

 ?? ?? Marlon Brando got tips from a real godfather, according to an insider
Marlon Brando got tips from a real godfather, according to an insider
 ?? ?? Pennsylvan­ia Mafia boss Russell Bufalino helped clear obstacles to filming, sources say
Pennsylvan­ia Mafia boss Russell Bufalino helped clear obstacles to filming, sources say
 ?? ?? Singer Al Martino as
Johnny Fontane, with Talia Shire
Singer Al Martino as Johnny Fontane, with Talia Shire
 ?? ?? Joe Colombo
Joe Colombo

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