

Charles & William get fat using ancient law to rob graves!


KING CHARLES has a well-deserved rep as a greedy skinflint and now a bombshell report reveals he’s been ghoulishly ripping off the wealth of people who die without a will — which is supposed to go to charity — and hoarding the loot in a secret slush fund!

A scathing new disclosure by government officials reveals the 75-year-old royal slyly funnels cash plundered from the dead to upgrade his private, multibilli­on-dollar homes and real estate holdings.

Since the report went public, the king has been rocked by backlash from bitter Brits, who are branding Charles a grave robber amid growing calls for the monarchy to be abolished!

“Charles has been exposed as a vile man who pickpocket­s off the dead,” blasts a livid public servant, who requested anonymity. “He’s like a vampire out for blood money. He talks about being a new type of king, preparing the country for the future, but he’s no different to his medieval ancestors.

“He’s greedily nabbing tens of millions of dollars intended for charity — and no one knows! We have to stop this royal scam — or end the monarchy.”

The furor erupted when documents from the Duchy of Lancaster, a vast $820 million land and property estate Charles inherited from his late mom, Queen Elizabeth, were made public in a bombshell report.

The report shows that in the past ten years, the monarch collected an estimated $75 million from dead citizens and used the he money to renovate properties he rents out for profit!

Charles inherited a vast $820 million land and property estate from the late Queen Elizabeth

Under ancient rules dating back at least 600 years, the duchy inherits “bona vacantia” or “vacant goods” from residents within its boundaries if they die without a will or known relatives.

The duchy also grabs assets owned by companies that fail.

The immense Duchy of Cornwall — worth $1.2 billion and now inherited by future king Prince William — operates under the same system.

They are profession­ally run real estate empires that manage huge tracts of farmland, hotels, castles, offices, warehouses, shops and some of London’s prime luxury buildings.

The They’ve generated ove over $1.5 billion in p profits in the last 60 years — and don’t pay corporatio­n or capital gains taxes. In 2020, a duchy p policy code-named “S “SA9” reportedly gave officials permission to spend the funds on its profit-generating portfolio — such as townhouses, holiday rentals, rural cottages and barns, including one for pheasant and partridge shoots!

“It has long been claimed that after deducting costs, bona vacantia revenues are donated to charities,” says a source. “But only about 15 percent has been directed there. This is nothing less than free money lining the coffers of the king’s personal purse. It’s disgusting.”

Charles’ personal net worth is more than $600 million and he runs royal estates worth $42 billion.

Earlier this year, he pocketed a staggering $33 million annual payout from the Duchy of Lancaster — income he calls “private.”

A Duchy spokesman claims Charles endorsed the use of the funds to restore and repair

buildings to preserve them for future generation­s.

“But that’s just a cover-up excuse,” charges another commentato­r. “The royals are like ghouls profiting off the dead.

“These funds should be used to provide housing for the homeless, not spruce up country cottages and holiday rentals for the rich.”

A well-placed courtier notes the money scandal “is the last thing Charles and William need right now”

as other scandals rock the monarchy.

A new royal-bashing book, The End Game by Omid Scobie, the man dubbed Prince Harry and Meghan’s mouthpiece, accuses hotheaded William, 41, of backing “dirty tricks” against his brother and charges Charles ordered the family not to talk to “that fool” Harry.

“Any hopes of a peaceful, scandal-free Christmas season just exploded for the royals,” dishes the insider.

 ?? ?? Prince William recently inherited the Duchy of Cornwall, which also grabs unclaimed assets
Prince William recently inherited the Duchy of Cornwall, which also grabs unclaimed assets
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 ?? ?? A new report has critics branding King Charles a grave robber and calling for the monarchy to be abolished
A new report has critics branding King Charles a grave robber and calling for the monarchy to be abolished

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