

Camilla fears they’re driving stake through fragile king’s heart


SEETHING Queen Camilla believes stepkid Prince Harry — and his American-born wife, Meghan — are pushing cancer-riddled King Charles toward an early grave with their selfish antics, courtiers confide.

Sources spill Charles’ strained relationsh­ip with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex — his second-born son and daughterin-law, who’ve taken frequent public potshots at Britain’s royal family to keep themselves in the spotlight since moving to California in 2020 — is putting the king’s compromise­d health at risk and fueling the ire of his concerned wife!

“Camilla is desperatel­y worried about the impact all this stress and anguish is having on Charles, who who’s beating hi himself up over t the current state of affairs in the family,” explains a palace insider.

“His Majesty ty’s health has take taken a decided turn for the worse in recent weeks — his traditiona­l cancer treatments and alternativ­e homeopathi­c cures don’t seem to be working.

“He feels terrible and is losing ng his temper more often, ranting ng and raving about the Sussexes’ treachery — then breaking down in tears. Camilla fears the stress is sapping his resistance and his will to live.”

Sources whisper the rattled ruler may be forced to renounce the throne in favor of his 41-year-old heir Prince William, Harry’s older brother.

But Charles fears that move would trigger new attacks on the monarchy by the indignant Sussexes, who have already accused the royals of racism, bullying and treating former B-actress Meghan with disdain! Harry and Meghan have been openly warring with William, even though his wife, Princess Kate, is fighting her own life-ordeath battle with cancer. Word is they sent their condolence­s to Kate after learning about her illness on TV, but were summarily rejected.

“The king misses his younger son and will never completely shut the door on him — but he

hates confrontat­ion,” explains a high-ranking member of The Firm. “That’s why Harry is essentiall­y shut out — and was given less than 15 minutes in his father’s presence — after flying from California to Britain in the wake of the king’s cancer diagnosis.

“Future king William made it plain he would not tolerate Harry’s presence for a single heartbeat — and now Charles can’t even bring himself to pick up the phone and risk William’s wrath by mending fences with Harry.”

But the royal insider insists “proud” Harry, 39, is outrageous­ly demanding an apology from his deathly ill dad, which isn’t going to happen. The duke and duchess have also demanded that they be allowed to return to Britain as “working royals, but on their own terms,” says the insider.

But there’s no hope of any resolution, so the situation continues to spiral — and may send Charles to his grave, says the courtier.

Adds the insider, “For Camilla, it’s just horrific watching Charles wither away from chemo, radiation and homemade tumor killers laced with snake venom.

“If the king suddenly drops dead, she says it’ll be no real surprise — and totally the Sussexes’ fault!”

 ?? ?? Prince Harry and wife Meghan want permission to return to Britain as working royals on their terms, an insider confides
Charles, with Harry in happier times, misses his younger son
Prince Harry and wife Meghan want permission to return to Britain as working royals on their terms, an insider confides Charles, with Harry in happier times, misses his younger son
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? King Charles is beating himself up over the state of affairs in the family and Queen Camilla worries the stress will drain him of his will to live, sources reveal
King Charles is beating himself up over the state of affairs in the family and Queen Camilla worries the stress will drain him of his will to live, sources reveal
 ?? ?? Princess Kate is fighting cancer with hubby William’s support — while the rogue royals continue to wage war with them
Princess Kate is fighting cancer with hubby William’s support — while the rogue royals continue to wage war with them

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