The Greenville News



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with the final design and developmen­t of the playground’s customized play elements built by Landscape Structures.

The project has been awarded to Hammer Constructi­on Company, which will purchase the playground equipment from Carolina Parks and Play.

Due to the six-month wait time to receive the playground equipment, constructi­on on the playground is expected to start around December, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony planned for the spring.

The playground will be adjacent to the airfield near the terminal building, where the former administra­tion building space has been cleared and is ready for constructi­on.

Chris Yang of Landscape Structures said there is currently no constructi­on timeline for the playground.

“We hope to start this project as soon as possible,” he said.

Anderson Regional Airport: Fueling, Maintenanc­e, and Pilot Services

According to a historical marker, Anderson County’s first municipal airport was on a grassy field near the Civic Center at 3027 Martin Luther King St.

The historical marker states, “In the early 1930s, land was purchased from J. Roy Pennell to create Anderson County Airport located at 5805 Airport Road.”

The airport initially opened in September 1937.

According to a historical marker, “During World War II, the grass airship was paved and served pilots learning tactical bombing techniques.”

The airport’s name was changed from “Anderson County Airport” to “Anderson Regional Airport” on December 7, 1998. The Anderson Regional Airport serves residents and businesses in Anderson County and the surroundin­g areas.

Airport amenities include a pilot lounge with cable TV and recliners, an eating area with a microwave and refrigerat­or, free wireless internet, limited use of an executive conference room, a pilot’s flight planning room, local rental car services, shuttle and executive transporta­tion options, limited Uber services, full-service Jet-A and Avgas, GPU, ice machine, catering cart, quick turn service, crew cars, a pilot snooze room, and an internet café.

Travis Rose covers Anderson County for the Independen­t Mail. Reach him via email at .

 ?? KEN RUINARD/GREENVILLE NEWS ?? Anderson Regional Airport, located at 5805 Airport Road, will soon have a new interactiv­e playground with an aviation theme. The airport recently received a $350,000 grant for the project, secured by state Sen. Mike Gambrell and state Rep. Don Chapman.
KEN RUINARD/GREENVILLE NEWS Anderson Regional Airport, located at 5805 Airport Road, will soon have a new interactiv­e playground with an aviation theme. The airport recently received a $350,000 grant for the project, secured by state Sen. Mike Gambrell and state Rep. Don Chapman.

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