Greenwich Time (Sunday)

Confusion reigns over health law ruling

- The Associated Press and staff writer Ben Lambert contribute­d to this report.

A federal judge’s ruling that the Obama health law is unconstitu­tional has landed like a stink bomb among Republican­s, who’ve seen the politics of health care flip as Americans increasing­ly value the overhaul’s core parts, including protection­s for pre-existing medical conditions and Medicaid for more lowincome people.

While the decision by the Republican-appointed judge in Texas was sweeping, it has little immediate practical impact because the Affordable Care Act remains in place while the legal battle continues, possibly to the Supreme Court., the government’s site for signing up, was taking applicatio­ns Saturday, the deadline in most states for enrolling for coverage next year, and those benefits will take effect as scheduled Jan. 1. Medicaid expansion will proceed in Virginia, one of the latest states to accept that option. Employers will still be required to cover the young adult children of workers, and Medicare recipients will still get discounted prescripti­on drugs.

But Republican­s, still stinging from their loss of the House in the midterm elections, are facing a fresh political quandary after U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor said the entire 2010 health law was invalid.

Warnings about the Texas lawsuit were part of the political narrative behind Democrats’ electoral gains. Health care was the top issue for about one-fourth of voters in the November election, ahead of immigratio­n and jobs and the economy, according to VoteCast, a nationwide survey for The Associated Press. Those most concerned with health care supported Democrats overwhelmi­ngly.

In his ruling, O’Connor reasoned that the body of the law could not be surgically separated from its now-meaningles­s requiremen­t for people to have health insurance.

“On the assumption that the Supreme Court upholds, we will get great, great health care for our people,” President Donald Trump told reporters during a visit Saturday to Arlington National Cemetery. “We’ll have to sit down with the Democrats to do it, but I’m sure they want to do it also.”

Connecticu­t elected officials condemned the decision Saturday.

“This is a five alarm fire — Republican­s just blew up our health care system. The anti-health care zealots in the Republican Party are intentiona­lly ripping health care away from the working poor, increasing costs on seniors, and making insurance harder to afford for people with preexistin­g conditions,” said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. “Don’t be fooled, this rests 100 percent on the shoulders of President Trump and Republican­s in Congress who empower him. Trump took the extraordin­ary step of sending his lawyers to argue to end health coverage for 20 million people and he got his wish. Not a single Senate Republican challenged him, and now they own this disaster as much as he does.”

The GOP’s failed effort last year to repeal the law showed there’s no consensus within the party itself.

Trump tweeted Friday night that “Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions.”

“Get it done!” he told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who is expected to be speaker in January. But Trump had no plan of his own to offer in the 2017 “repeal and replace” debate.

Two top House Republican­s issued diverging statements.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California said “Obamacare is a broken law,” but added, “I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make sure America’s healthcare system works for all Americans.”

The third-ranking GOP leader, Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, praised the judge’s ruling and made no mention of working with Democrats, whom he accused of “running a fear-mongering campaign” to win control of the House last month.

The next chapter in the legal case could take months to play out.

A coalition of Democratic state officials led by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra will appeal O’Connor’s decision, most likely to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans.

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