Greenwich Time (Sunday)

Dems: Pot legalizati­on not enough

Say criminal justice, race inequities need to be fixed too

- By Emilie Munson

To a growing number of Democrats, legalizati­on is not enough.

Cannabis laws have created intertwini­ng criminal justice, poverty and race inequities, many lawmakers say. And in a growing number of blue states, recreation­al-use legislatio­n is now targeting those problems by supporting minority-owned businesses, expunging criminal records and reinvestin­g in urban communitie­s.

If Connecticu­t approves its own marijuana bill this year — still a big if with two and a

half weeks until the legislatur­e adjourns — the state will be among the more progressiv­e in the nation in this sense.

Social justice provisions or not, Connecticu­t could make history: if it acts soon, it may become the first state to create a legal retail market for the drug through its legislatur­e. But advocates in Connecticu­t will not be satisfied by a simple legalizati­on law, they said.

“It is incumbent on this legislatur­e to ensure that legalizati­on doesn’t just enrich a handful of corporatio­ns,” said Lindsay Farrell, state director of Connecticu­t’s progressiv­e Working Families Party. “Rather legalizati­on must be part of a bigger program to repair the damage done to black and brown communitie­s.”

Democrats have been listening. As they draft and redraft their proposed marijuana legislatio­n, the bill has moved farther in this direction.

Democrats crafting the bill have given the commission that would oversee the new recreation­al marijuana market a specific mandate: “promote and encourage full participat­ion in the cannabis industry by persons from communitie­s that have been disproport­ionately harmed by cannabis prohibitio­n and enforcemen­t.” The bill gives the commission $500,000 a year to do outreach to these communitie­s.

The legislatio­n also would give jobs in the new marijuana industry to people who were arrested or convicted of cannabis sale or possession, have a child or parent who was arrested or convicted of the same, or who live in high-poverty, low-employment neighborho­ods in the state. People who meet this criteria — “equity applicants” — will be given the first licenses to cultivate, manufactur­e and grow marijuana.

Cannabis retailers or growers who are not equity applicants would have comply with a state-approved plan to hire workers from communitie­s disproport­ionately impacted by marijuana-related crimes or reinvest in those communitie­s.

The state too will be investing: Democrats want to send money from taxing recreation­al marijuana back to those same impoverish­ed neighborho­ods with high employment, most of which will likely fall in cities.

And they want to expunge the criminal records of people arrested for marijuana-related crimes.

“Let’s be honest about who has suffered the most over time at the hands of harsh marijuana laws,” said New Haven Mayor Toni Harp, a former state senator, speaking in favor of legalizati­on. “Statistics show that despite similar rates of marijuana use, African Americans are still arrested at a far higher rate than white suspects for marijuanar­elated charges. As of 2010, African Americans were 12 percent of the population in Connecticu­t but accounted for more than 30 percent of marijuana possession arrests.”

Around the country Ten states and the District of Columbia have already legalized adult recreation­al cannabis use, all via ballot initiative. A few of these states have also adopted similar social justice cannabis laws to what Connecticu­t is advancing, most notably California and Massachuse­tts, said Karmen Hanson, program director of Behavior Health at the National Conference of State Legislatur­es.

In 2016, California passed a ballot initiative that allowed people with drug conviction­s to obtain marijuana licenses. It also allocated $10 million a year to pay for job placement services, legal help, and mental health and addiction treatment for residents of communitie­s hit hard by past drug laws. In 2018, another ballot measure allowed the expungemen­t of certain marijuana conviction­s in California. The state also allows individual cities to add their own regulation­s to help minority business owners access the cannabis market.

Massachuse­tts has a similar “equity applicant” status to Connecticu­t and requires cannabis businesses owners to reinvest in communitie­s disproport­ionately harmed by marijuana law enforcemen­t. Businesses are also required to have diversity plans to hire from minority, veterans and disabled groups.

Despite these provisions, Massachuse­tts has had few equity applicants successful­ly enter the cannabis market, which some attribute the seed money and technical knowledge needed.

That problem is not unique. Around the country the burgeoning legal cannabis industry is dominated by white investors, critics say.

“The industry is not anywhere near as diverse as either the population as a whole or the population that has been impacted by the War on Drugs,” said Karen O’Keefe, director of State Policies for the national pro-legalizati­on group Marijuana Policy Project. “That needs to change.”

In Colorado, the first state to legalize, black people hold only a handful of the thousands of cannabis retail and cultivatio­n licenses. But Colorado, fellow early adopter Washington, has revised its cannabis laws over time to try to diversify business license applicatio­ns and add expungemen­t provisions, Hanson said.

Meanwhile, among blue states now attempting to legalize recreation­al pot through their legislatur­es, social justice provisions are overwhelmi­ngly part of the picture, said O’Keefe. These include New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Delaware and Maryland.

“They’re all looking at these issues — maybe not the exact same approach to them, but they’re all looking at what’s working and what’s not,” O’Keefe said.

In some more conservati­ve states, like Georgia and Ohio, that allow medical marijuana use — 34 states have legalized this — lawmakers have passed measures to diversify the cannabis industry too, O’Keefe said. Uncertain passage Approval of recreation­al marijuana in Connecticu­t is not assured – not even close. The legislatio­n was 10 votes shy of passage earlier this month. Since then, Democrats have updated the bill to allow more poor residents – not just those affected by marijuana-related arrests – to get priority status to grow and sell cannabis.

That change upset some Democrats, but its not clear how many – or how they will vote on the final bill – because Democrats have not had another caucus on the topic.

Many lawmakers of both parties worry that legalizati­on will increase drug addictions, cause more drugimpair­ed driving accidents and put cannabis in the hands of children.

Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, D-New Haven, said legalizati­on may be decided by the legislatur­e in a special session this summer. House Democratic leadership said this week there’s a chance marijuana may get a vote before Sine Die on June 5, although numerous issues like the state budget and tolls still need their attention.

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