Greenwich Time (Sunday)



This is the first full day of Mercury direct in Aquarius, where the current cosmic consortium includes Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. The planets are all traveling direct and this is one of the most straightfo­rward times when subtext often matches text and intuition speaks in surprising­ly logical and clear signals. ARIES (March 21-April 19): You know you’re doing the right thing for you if it happens to feed your soul even when it’s not feeding your wallet. As you give to others, you will be evermore fulfilled. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You are no stranger to being a stranger. As you visit the unfamiliar, you expect a certain inelegance to color your interactio­ns. In fact, you welcome it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Titles are like keys that get you into certain doors. Once inside, you’ll expand to take up as much energetic space as feels appropriat­e to you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): Arguably, your influence and creations are entities that outlive you. Today, you’ll make sure of it. This you’ll do mostly unconsciou­sly as you carry the intention right action. of committing the

The LEO winds (July have 23-Aug. changed 22): direction. You’ll learn plenty by sticking your sail into the air and moving it around until something catches. Then, suddenly, you’re off.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Standard agreements make sense to everyone and fit almost no one, perhaps because there is no such thing as a “standard person.” Ask for and expect modificati­ons.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Money starts out as well-printed but essentiall­y meaningles­s paper that we, as a society and on the individual level, give rich meaning indeed through what we do with it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Those foggy feelings count for something. A phenomenon doesn’t have to be defined to be relevant to your mood or to how you contribute.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You could keep envisionin­g the dream that requires you to climb a mountain to get somewhere. Or you could set your sights on a scene located at an elevation within coasting distance.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): You are pinning your happiness on something you could lose. Happiness, beauty, infatuatio­n... the very nature of these states is fleeting.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It is said that you are only free if nothing holds you back. Also, things will tug at you — tethers of emotion, habit, perceived responsibi­lity.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): As you tend to and spring for the details that are sure to impress, just be honest about how much of this is necessary. None of it, really.


(Feb. 21): Here come elated moments, discipline­s change and shared interests forwarded. In a humorous cosmic twist, the money arrives after you’ve stopped waiting. Meanwhile, prizes untold come in surprising packages you wouldn’t have guessed could hold such gifts of feeling. Scorpio and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 35, 22, 1 and 39. FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: In the first blushes of this intuitive Pisces season, and with the green light of Mercury guiding the higher Aquarian purposes, we have a chance to place our energy wisely and make excellent progress. So how do we know if a thing is worthy of our attention?

Its attractive­ness is a clue, though many attraction­s, because of their dangerous or time-wasting potential, are best noted and explored hypothetic­ally, within the examinatio­n and thought experiment­s of an interior and a private world instead of by interactin­g with the attractive force in real life.

As Mars and Pluto triangulat­e, people will stand behind their decisions because they have to. Their egos disallow any speculatio­n. Smaller egos make for better decisions because objectivit­y is available to those who can detach and process data through a lens that’s free of the distortion­s and particular­s of personalit­y, identity, tribalism, pride, etc. Other things that color decisions include feelings, morality, politics and more. Some of these influences are useful and helpful, and others are apt to stop progress in its tracks.

To make a decision based on who you were in the past is not advised. You could make a decision based on what you learned back there, but even that is thinking too small. When you instead base your decisions on who you want to be and who you are becoming, those choices will meet up with you in the future and feel like a natural and brilliant fit.

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