Greenwich Time (Sunday)

Gov. Lamont needs to fill the PURA roster

- State Sen. Tony Hwang represents the 28th Senate District, which includes Easton, Fairfield, Southport, Newtown, Sandy Hook and portions of Bethel.

Connecticu­t, renowned for its excellence in education and college basketball, last year witnessed the triumph of the University of Connecticu­t men’s basketball team winning the National Championsh­ip and the continued success of the women’s basketball program. Under the strategic guidance of Coaches Dan Hurley and Geno Auriemma, these teams achieve remarkable success by carefully selecting the most qualified players to form a cohesive and winning team. This triumph on the court serves as a powerful metaphor for the importance of assembling a proficient and capable team in other areas, such as Connecticu­t’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA).

PURA plays a vital role in overseeing and regulating the state’s essential utilities, operating with only three of five commission­ers. It is imperative that the vacancies be filled promptly to ensure the optimal functionin­g of PURA and the continual provision of reliable and affordable services to the people of Connecticu­t.

The vacancies within PURA have not gone unnoticed. The Connecticu­t Business and Industry Associatio­n reported that PURA has been operating with only three out of five commission­ers, severely limiting its ability to make informed decisions and effectivel­y regulate the state’s utilities. This deficit in personnel undermines PURA’s ability to address the evolving energy landscape, ensure fair utility rates, and protect consumers’ interests.

Connecticu­t’s energy landscape is rapidly evolving, with advancemen­ts in renewable energy, grid modernizat­ion, and the increasing demand for affordable and sustainabl­e solutions. To effectivel­y address these challenges, we need a fully staffed and diverse PURA that can provide the expertise needed to balance the interests of consumers, utilities and the environmen­t.

To solve this pressing issue, we call upon Gov. Ned Lamont to swiftly fill the two vacant spots within PURA and reappoint current Chairman Marissa Gillett. By selecting the most qualified individual­s, Gov. Lamont can assemble a team of experts who possess the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the complex energy sector and make informed decisions in the best interest of Connecticu­t’s residents and businesses.

In particular, it is essential to acknowledg­e the leadership and guidance of Chairman Gillett. Just as Coaches Hurley and Auriemma have brought a strategic vision to UConn’s basketball teams, Chairman Gillett has demonstrat­ed her commitment to driving positive change in Connecticu­t’s energy sector. She recently observed that “there’s a real distinctio­n between a regulator viewing themselves as someone who’s simply calling balls and strikes versus a regulator who says, ‘I need to be not just the umpire, but the first base coach.’ ”

With that sports analogy, Chairman Gillett summed up her role in thoroughly weighing the needs of consumers with the needs of Connecticu­t’s utilities. It’s a delicate, painstakin­g balancing act that has brought her blowback from utility executives and lawmakers alike. No one ever said the job was an easy one or a popularity contest.

From this lawmaker’s perspectiv­e — as someone who has served as vice chair on the Energy and Technology Committee and as a frequent critic of seemingly neverendin­g rate hike proposals on water, gas and electricit­y — I would describe Chairman Gillett as a much-needed breath of fresh and independen­t air.

Chairman Gillett’s efforts to advance clean energy and promote a sustainabl­e future are highlighte­d in an article published by the Yale Center for Business and the Environmen­t. Her dedication and expertise make her a crucial player on the PURA team. However, to fully unlock the potential of Chairman Gillett’s leadership, it is imperative that the vacancies within PURA be filled promptly. With a complete team of qualified commission­ers, Chairman Gillett can effectivel­y lead PURA toward achieving its goals and ensuring the well-being of Connecticu­t’s residents.

Furthermor­e, the Connecticu­t Center for Business and the Environmen­t at Yale University highlights the critical role PURA plays in advancing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting renewable energy adoption. However, without a complete team, PURA’s ability to achieve these goals is hindered, potentiall­y impeding Connecticu­t’s progress towards a clean and sustainabl­e energy future.

Just as Coaches Hurley and Auriemma meticulous­ly select and manage their players to form National Championsh­ip teams, Gov. Lamont must exercise the same diligence in selecting the most qualified individual­s to fill the vacancies within PURA. By doing so, we can ensure that the authority operates at its full potential, making informed decisions that benefit all Connecticu­t residents.

Connecticu­t deserves a PURA team that can navigate the complexiti­es of the energy sector, protect consumers’ interests, and foster a sustainabl­e and affordable energy future. We urge Gov. Lamont to act swiftly and prioritize filling the vacant spots within PURA. Let us not underestim­ate the power of a strong and capable team with a united vision toward excellence, both on the basketball court and in the realm of regulatory authority.

Together, we can ensure that Connecticu­t moves toward being at the forefront of progress and innovation, providing its residents with reliable and affordable utilities while advancing towards a sustainabl­e energy future. The time to reappoint Chairman Gillett and fill the PURA vacancies is now.


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