Greenwich Time

Report: Women groomed for judge

Two professors are target of criticism

- By Ed Stannard

A new controvers­y related to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh rose up at Yale Law School in New Haven on Friday, with signs in the school’s courtyard calling the school a “model of complicity” in the accusation­s that Kavanaugh may have assaulted a woman when they were in high school.

A story in The Guardian newspaper of London on Thursday claimed that law professors Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld, who are married, would advise female students applying for clerkships with Kavanaugh to have a “certain look” during their interviews.

It went on to say that Chua would tell students it was “‘not an accident’ that Kavanaugh’s female law clerks all ‘looked like models.’ ”

Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, graduated from Yale in 1987 and received his Yale law degree in 1990. He has been accused of

sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford, now a professor at Palo Alto University, when they were in high school.

A sign posted next to Kavanaugh’s portrait in the law school says, “We believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford #MeToo.” Another quotes professor Ahkil Reed Amar as saying that nominating Kavanaugh “is the one most sane, most sober, most classy thing that the administra­tion has done.”

The Guardian also claimed that Rubenfeld is “the subject of an internal investigat­ion at Yale … focused on Rubenfeld’s conduct, particular­ly with female law students.”

The newspaper quotes a statement from Rubenfeld saying he was told he was the subject of an “informal review” but that he was not told specifics. “I was further advised that the allegation­s were not of the kind that would jeopardize my position as a long-tenured member of the faculty.” That quote is also posted in the Yale Law School courtyard.

While law school spokeswoma­n Janet Conroy said she could not confirm or deny the existence of an investigat­ion, Dean Heather Gerken issued a statement addressing the reports.

“The allegation­s being reported are of enormous concern to me and to the School,” Gerken wrote. “While we cannot comment on individual complaints or investigat­ions, the Law School and the University thoroughly investigat­e all complaints regarding violations of University rules and take no options off the table. Neither the Law School nor the University prejudges the outcomes of investigat­ions. Any statements to the contrary are inaccurate.”

Gerken added, “Faculty misconduct has no place at Yale Law School. You have my word that we will take appropriat­e action on any complaints.”

“I think people are unbelievab­ly upset” about the alleged investigat­ion, said a second-year law student who would not give her name. “I think they’re serious about investigat­ing, but they haven’t done anything to show students that they’re serious about investigat­ing.”

Chua, who gained national notoriety in 2011 with her book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” advocating a super-strict parenting style, fell ill shortly after the fall semester began and was reportedly hospitaliz­ed. She has been known as a mentor for potential Kavanaugh law clerks and one of her two daughters is set to clerk for him if he is not confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.

Chua issued a statement disputing that Kavanaugh seeks attractive women as law clerks. “For the more than ten years I’ve known him, Judge Kavanaugh’s first and only litmus test in hiring has been excellence,” she wrote. “He hires only the most qualified clerks, and they have been diverse as well as exceptiona­lly talented and capable. There is good reason so many of them have gone on to Supreme Court clerkships; he only hires those who are extraordin­arily qualified.”

But the decades-old sexual assault allegation­s and the Guardian’s story have mobilized students, who reportedly plan a sit-in on Monday unless classes are canceled so they can go to Washington to protest at Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on hearings. Dana Bolger, a thirdyear law student, said in a Facebook message that “a number of professors have cancelled class, in response to students’ requests.”

“Everybody’s talking about it in the hallways and people are extremely passionate and are mobilizing and having conversati­ons about how to proceed,” said a first-year student. “When there’s bias in who gets these clerkships, that means bias in who’s going to get on the Supreme Court 20 years from now,” they said. “The things that are talked about were open secrets and are things that students hear even before they start” at the law school.

Lorianne Updike Toler, a fellow at the law school, said she thought the criticism of Chua and Rubenfeld was “silly.” “There’s no allegation­s here. You’re talking about being dressed femininely or assertivel­y. It’s unclear what they’re charging. … Kavanaugh hires and promotes and forwards the careers of women. He takes on diverse women.”

She said that if Ford’s accusation­s are proven true, it’s a serious issue, but that she would be more concerned if there were more recent instances of misconduct by Kavanaugh. “They’re really struggling to find something and the best they can come up with is he wants someone to dress in suits,” she said. “There’s no allegation­s that he is actually inappropri­ate.”

On Friday, 49 Yale Law School faculty issued an open letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying they are “concerned about a rush to judgment that threatens both the integrity of the process and the public’s confidence in the Court.”

“Allegation­s of sexual assault require a neutral factfinder and an investigat­ion that can ascertain facts fairly,” the letter states. “Those at the FBI or others tasked with such an investigat­ion must have adequate time to investigat­e facts. … In subsequent hearings, all of those who testify, and particular­ly women testifying about sexual assault, must be treated with respect.”

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