Greenwich Time

Inside: Crowds honor Bush for longtime service,


WASHINGTON — Soldiers, citizens in wheelchair­s and long lines of others on foot wound through the hushed Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday to view George H.W. Bush’s casket and remember a president whose legacy included World War II military service and a landmark law affirming the rights of the disabled.

Bob Dole, a compatriot in war, peace and political struggle, steadied himself out of his wheelchair and saluted his old friend and one-time rival.

As at notable moments in his life, Bush brought together Republican­s and Democrats in his death, and not only the VIPs.

Members of the public who never voted for the man waited in the same long lines as the rest, attesting that Bush possessed the dignity and grace that deserved to be remembered by their presence on a cold overcast day in the capital.

“I’m just here to pay my respects,” said Jane Hernandez, a retired physician in the heavily Democratic city and suburbs. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of his presidency, but all in all he was a good sincere guy doing a really hard job as best he could.”

Bush’s service dog, Sully, was brought to the viewing, too — his main service these last months since Barbara Bush’s death in April being to rest his head on her husband’s lap. Service dogs are trained to do that.

The CIA also honored Bush, the only spy chief to become president, as three agency directors past and present joined the public in the viewing.

Although President Donald Trump will attend Bush’s national funeral service Wednesday, he is not among the eulogists announced by the Bush family, a list that includes George W. Bush. The others are Alan Simpson, the former senator and acerbic wit from Wyoming; Brian Mulroney, the former Canadian prime minister who also gave a eulogy for Ronald Reagan; and presidenti­al historian Jon Meacham.

People lined up before dawn to pay respects to the 41st president, a son and father of privilege now celebrated by everyday citizens for his common courtesies and depth of experience.

 ?? Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press ?? Visitors pay their respects at the flag-draped casket of former President George H.W. Bush, as he lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington on Tuesday.
Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press Visitors pay their respects at the flag-draped casket of former President George H.W. Bush, as he lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington on Tuesday.

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