Greenwich Time


- Frank Stewart

“Your honor,” the District Attorney stated, “we will prove that declarer committed a felony in that he lost a cold game.”

“Proceed,” the judge instructed, and the court kibitzed the evidence.

“Against four hearts,” the DA related, “West led the ace of spades: six, deuce, four. South ruffed a second spade lead and cashed the three top trumps, finding West with a trump trick.

“South next took the top diamonds, pitching a club. He ruffed a diamond and led a club to dummy’s king, but when East took the ace, South went down two, losing two more clubs and a trump.”

“We contend that South should finesse with dummy’s ten on the second diamond. The bidding marks East with the ace of clubs, so South needs three club discards before West can ruff and shift to clubs. So South must find West with four diamonds.”

“Guilty,” ruled the judge. “And arrest West. East’s deuce of spades at Trick One demanded a shift. If West finds a club shift, South has no chance.” DAILY QUESTION You hold: SQ 76 HA 4 DKQ 1053 CK 63. You open one diamond, your partner responds one spade, you bid 1NT and he jumps to three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Some players would have raised your partner’s one-spade response to two spades with your hand. You should certainly show your spade support now. Jump to four spades to suggest good support and a promising hand, though you might prefer slightly stronger spades for that action.

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