Greenwich Time

Dems seek full Mueller report

Blumenthal, Murphy wary of Barr’s interpreta­tion

- By Dan Freedman

WASHINGTON — Connecticu­t Democratic lawmakers are pushing for release of the full report of special counsel Robert Mueller.

But they are also looking toward other investigat­ive avenues involving President Donald Trump, mindful that Democrats face potential voter blowback if their probes appear to be purely partisan.

“The president is far from out of the woods,” said Rep. Jim Himes, a member of two House committees — Financial Services and Intelligen­ce — that will pursue investigat­ions involving Trump.

Even so, Himes said, “we also need to make progress for the American people on jobs, retirement and health care.”

Mueller last Friday delivered a longawaite­d report on his nearly two-year probe of Trump 2016 campaign connection­s to Russia.

In a four-page summary delivered Sunday to Congress, Attorney General William Barr wrote that Mueller had concluded that Trump and his staff did not conspire with Russia to help Trump beat Democratic contender Hillary Clinton.

But on the question of whether Trump obstructed justice to thwart investigat­ors, Barr quotes Mueller as saying: “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Barr’s interpreta­tion

Barr said he and Rod Rosenstein, who supervised the Mueller probe before Barr won Senate confirmati­on last month, decided not to pursue an obstructio­n case, which would have been based primarily on Trump firing then-FBI Director James Comey in May 2017, then telling a television interviewe­r that he was bothered by “this Russia thing.”

As a private lawyer, Barr last year wrote a memo in which he argued that the president cannot be charged with obstructio­n for actions that are within his powers as chief of the executive branch. He called Mueller’s inquiry “fatally misconceiv­ed.”

“Why should we accept an interpreta­tion of the Mueller report by an attorney general who was appointed by the president for his hostility to the investigat­ion?” Sen. Chris Murphy said Monday during a roundtable on gun violence at New Britain High School. “Maybe Barr is right, maybe he’s wrong, but that’s up to Congress to decide.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, himself a former Connecticu­t state attorney general and U.S. attorney, also cast doubt on whether Barr can be trusted to correctly interpret the Mueller report.

“Barr is a Trump appointee,” he said. “What is necessary is for the American people to see the full report with all the underlying facts and evidence — and not just the Barr summary or some other abridged version.”

Proposed change

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., on Monday called for passage of legislatio­n that would require full release of the Mueller report. Blumenthal introduced such a resolution in January with a Republican co-sponsor, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa. It would require release of any special counsel report to Congress and the public when an investigat­ion is complete, or the counsel resigns or is fired.

Blumenthal on Monday said release of the Mueller report is “key.”

“No intelligen­t reaction is possible without the Mueller report and the underlying facts and evidence,” he said.

Among the issues not addressed so far is why Mueller did not compel the president to answer questions under oath. After negotiatio­ns with Trump’s lawyers, Mueller agreed to let the White House answer written questions in place of an interview.

Since criminal intent is a part of any obstructio­n inquiry, direct questionin­g of Trump would have been a necessary step to determine whether charges were warranted, Blumenthal said.

“The American people want transparen­cy,” he said, noting that Trump himself on Monday said release of the report “wouldn’t bother me at all.”

During a meeting Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump portrayed himself as victim of a probe he frequently denounced as a “witch hunt.”

In apparent reference to Democrats, Trump said that “those people are to be looked at.”

“They’ve done so many evil things,” he said. “It was a false narrative, it was a terrible thing. We can never let this happen to another president again.”

Himes said: “It’s fair to say the president has been cleared on the part about conspiracy with Russians. I always said a Hollywood ending, with suitcases changing hands, was unlikely.” The House Financial Services Committee and the House Intelligen­ce Committee will continue to probe different aspects of Trump’s financial entangleme­nts and his conduct in office. Among them: The role of Deutsche Bank in financing various Trump projects and whether Trump has benefited financiall­y as president, for instance, through his Washington hotel near the White House used as a virtual watering hole by foreign officials and business executives seeking to cozy up to Trump.

But ultimately, Democrats run the risk of losing public support if they focus too heavily on Trump and not enough on the needs of everyday Americans.

“I don’t give Democrats and A-plus for the last three months on kitchentab­le issues,” said Himes, a centrist and former chairman of the center-leaning New Democrat Coalition.

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