Greenwich Time

Israelis strike targets across Gaza in retaliatio­n for attack


JERUSALEM — Israeli forces on Monday struck targets across the Gaza Strip, including the offices of Hamas’ supreme leader, in response to a surprise rocket attack from the Palestinia­n territory, as the military bolstered its troops and rocket-defense systems in anticipati­on of a new round of heavy fighting with the Islamic militant group.

Israel opened public bomb shelters in most major cities and civil defense authoritie­s canceled sports events and public transporta­tion in southern Israel. The Israeli army said air raid sirens wailed across southern Israel late Monday night, and Israeli media reported at least 10 rockets fired into the country, but it provided no further details.

“Israel will not tolerate this. I will not tolerate this,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared during a White House meeting with President Donald Trump.

“Israel is responding forcefully to this wanton aggression,” he said. “We will do whatever we must do to defend our people and defend our state.”

Late Monday, Hamas announced a cease-fire had been brokered by Egyptian mediators. But shortly after, renewed rocket fire could be heard in Gaza, setting off air-raid sirens in southern Israel.

Ahead of the Israeli airstrikes, Hamas’ leadership went into hiding.

Several airstrikes rocked Gaza, including an explosion that destroyed the office of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. The Israeli military confirmed the bombing, saying the building had “served as an office for many military meetings.” An earlier blast destroyed a multistory building in Gaza City that Israel said had served as a Hamas military intelligen­ce headquarte­rs.

There were no immediate reports of casualties. In both blasts, Israel fired warning shots to evacuate the buildings. But the airstrike on the multistory building was so powerful it sent debris flying onto the roof of The Associated Press bureau, located on the 11th floor of a nearby high-rise.

The sudden conflagrat­ion came at a time when both Netanyahu and his Hamas foes are in desperate situations.

Netanyahu is in a tight race for re-election, and just two weeks before the April 9 vote, faces tough criticism from challenger­s who accuse him of being too soft on Hamas.

In Washington to celebrate the U.S. recognitio­n of Israel’s control of the Golan Heights, Netanyahu instead was forced to cut short his trip under heavy pressure to strike back at Hamas. Later Monday, Netanyahu remained in Washington past his scheduled departure time, huddled in conference calls with security officials, Israeli media said.

Haniyeh issued a statement warning Israel against heavy retaliatio­n. He said the Palestinia­n people “will not surrender” and its militant factions “will deter the enemy if it exceeds the red lines.”

In Beirut, the powerful Lebanese militant group Hezbollah said its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, met Monday with a senior Hamas delegation. Hezbollah said they discussed the Gaza situation and “Israeli aggression.”

Hamas is facing perhaps its toughest domestic test since seizing control of Gaza from the rival Palestinia­n Authority 12 years ago.

An Israel-Egyptian blockade, imposed to weaken Hamas, combined with sanctions by the Palestinia­n Authority and mismanagem­ent by the Hamas government, have all fueled an economic crisis that has left Gaza with an unemployme­nt rate above 50 percent.

Hamas has been leading weekly protests along the Israeli border for the past year in hopes of easing the blockade, but the demonstrat­ions, in which some 190 people have been killed by Israeli fire, have done little to improve conditions.

Last week, hundreds of Gazans protested the dire conditions, a rare expression of public discontent against the authoritar­ian government. Hamas responded with a violent crackdown, beating and arresting dozens of demonstrat­ors and drawing rare public criticism.

The rocket attack, which caught Israel off guard, may have been an attempt by Hamas to divert attention from its growing domestic woes.

 ?? Ariel Schalit / Associated Press ?? A police officer inspects the damage to a house hit by a rocket in Mishmeret, central Israel, on Monday. An early morning rocket from the Gaza Strip struck a house in central Israel on Monday, an Israeli rescue service said, in an eruption of violence that could set off another round of violence shortly before the Israeli election.
Ariel Schalit / Associated Press A police officer inspects the damage to a house hit by a rocket in Mishmeret, central Israel, on Monday. An early morning rocket from the Gaza Strip struck a house in central Israel on Monday, an Israeli rescue service said, in an eruption of violence that could set off another round of violence shortly before the Israeli election.

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