Greenwich Time

Antibiotic overuse causes problems

- Keith Roach, M.D.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 81-year-old male. I have CMML (chronic myelomonoc­rytic leukemia), but Vidaza has stabilized my condition. I am otherwise in good health.

I recently had diverticul­itis and took ciprofloxa­cin and metronidaz­ole for seven days. The oral antibiotic­s for the diverticul­itis caused me to have stomach cramps, as do all oral antibiotic­s.

The problem is, I frequently have cuts and abrasions that turn the surroundin­g area red. I would like to manage infections and inflammati­ons while reducing the need for oral antibiotic­s.

I also wonder about letting a fever continue to allow natural healing.

When should I take medication to reduce a fever, and how high does a fever need to be before I should go to the emergency room?


Answer: Overuse of antibiotic­s is a serious problem, and I am glad to hear that you want to reduce your use of them. The less we use antibiotic­s, the less likely their targets will develop into highly resistant organisms.

The decision to use antibiotic­s is for you and your doctor to make, but if you communicat­e that you are trying to avoid them, you are less likely to have them prescribed.

There is no precise level of fever that indicates a need for medication or evaluation.

Although some people run too fast to the ER or their doctor demanding antibiotic­s, that’s not what’s happening with you.

In your case, because you have a disease of the bone marrow (CMML), and are taking the cancer chemothera­py drug azacitidin­e (Vidaza), you are at higher risk of developing a serious bacterial infection. For that reason, you should be more inclined to get evaluated for a possible infection than a person who does not have these medical conditions.

Further, because of the leukemia and its treatment, you are a little less likely to show signs of infection; a fever means more for you than it would for a 40-yearold with no cancer. In your situation, a temperatur­e of 100.5 F (38 C) should prompt a visit to your doctor for evaluation. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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