Greenwich Time

Success rates high for OSA surgery

- Keith Roach, M.D.

Dear Dr. Roach: My son, who is 30 years old, was recently diagnosed with severe obstructiv­e sleep apnea and currently uses a CPAP machine.

He says does not want to use this for the rest of his life, therefore, he has researched surgery to correct his OSA.

Recently he consulted with a sleep expert, and now has surgery scheduled with that doctor.

My son will have a septoplast­y and a palate expansion before a more radical surgery in a year called MMA.

My son feels that these surgeries will give him the longest lasting cure for his OSA.

I am very concerned about all of these surgeries.

I value your objective opinion and hope you can give me some reassuranc­e that these surgeries are worth the pain.


Answer: Although CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure, which works by using air to keep the airway open) is the usual treatment for obstructiv­e sleep apnea, surgery is another effective way to treat OSA.

Surgery is most appropriat­e for those who wish a surgical solution (some people can’t stand the CPAP machine), those who have a surgically correctabl­e problem (see below), and those who are good candidates for surgery; younger age makes surgery seem more reasonable to me.

The specific surgery chosen depends on an individual’s unique anatomy.

Surgery on the uvula (yes, the dangling thing at the back of the throat), soft palate and pharynx is the most common surgery, but maxilloman­dibular advancemen­t surgery (MMA) has been shown to be successful in several well-known medical centers in the U.S., such as Mayo Clinic and Stanford.

Success rates are high, and some studies have shown surgical cure of obstructiv­e sleep apnea in over half of those who undergo the procedure.

Not knowing your son and not being a surgeon, I can’t give an objective opinion for him in particular, but I can say that in appropriat­e patients, surgical treatment of OSA is reasonable.

Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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