Greenwich Time

Trump abandons bid to include citizenshi­p question on census


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump abandoned his controvers­ial bid to demand citizenshi­p details from all respondent­s in next year’s census Thursday, instead directing federal agencies to try to compile the informatio­n using existing databases.

“It is essential that we have a clear breakdown of the number of citizens and noncitizen­s that make up the United States population,” Trump said at a Rose Garden announceme­nt. He insisted he was “not backing down.”

His reversal comes after the Supreme Court blocked his efforts to include the citizenshi­p question and as the government had already begun the lengthy and expensive process of printing the census questionna­ire without it.

Trump had said last week that he was “very seriously” considerin­g an executive order to try to force the question’s inclusion, even though such a move would surely have drawn an immediate legal challenge.

But he said Thursday that he would instead be signing an executive order directing agencies to turn records over to the Department of Commerce.

“We’re aiming to count everyone,” he said.

The American Community Survey, which polls 3.5 million U.S. households every year, already includes questions about respondent­s’ citizenshi­p.

Critics have warned that including the citizenshi­p question on the census would discourage participat­ion, not only by those living in the country illegally but also by citizens who fear that participat­ing will expose noncitizen family members to repercussi­ons.

Keeping the prospect of adding the question alive could in itself scare some away from participat­ing, while showing Trump’s base that he is fighting for the issue.

Trump’s 2016 campaign was animated by his pledge to crack down on illegal immigratio­n, and he has tied the citizenshi­p question to that issue, insisting the U.S. must know who is living here.

An executive order, by itself, would not have overridden court rulings blocking the question, though it could have given administra­tion lawyers a new basis on which to try to convince federal courts the question passes muster.

Trump had previewed his remarks earlier Thursday at a White House social media event, where he complained about being told: “‘Sir, you can’t ask that question … because the courts said you can’t.’”

Describing the situation as “the craziest thing,” he went on to contend that surveyors can ask residents how many toilets they have and, “What’s their roof made of ? The only thing we can’t ask is, ‘Are you a citizen of the United States?’”

The Census Bureau had stressed repeatedly that it could produce better citizenshi­p data without adding the question to the decennial census, which had not been done since 1950.

The bureau recommende­d combining informatio­n from the annual American Community Survey with records held by other federal agencies that already include citizenshi­p records.

“This would result in higher quality data produced at lower cost,” deputy Census Bureau director Ron Jarmin wrote in a December 2017 email to a Justice Department official.

But Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the Census Bureau, ultimately rejected that approach and ordered the citizenshi­p question be added to the census.

 ?? Alex Brandon / Associated Press ?? President Donald Trump is joined by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross as he speaks in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, on Thursday.
Alex Brandon / Associated Press President Donald Trump is joined by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross as he speaks in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, on Thursday.

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